Chapter Twenty-Five

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So this happened.

AnDIE: Is your stupid ass online?

AlexIsGay: Yesssss...

AnDIE: I took your advice.

AlexIsGay: What advice?

AnDIE: To “make things right” with Dylan.

AlexIsGay: And?

AnDIE: And he totally beat me to the punch. I was like, “I have to ask you something,” and he was all, “Let me just ask you something first,” and I said, “This is kind of important though,” because obviously I was gonna, you know, ask him out or whatever, and then he was like, “You told me to ask again later and it’s later so I’m asking: will you be my girlfriend?” except he said it some dumb romantic way and I was like, “NO I WILL NOT WILL YOU JUST LET ME ASK MY QUESTION PLEASE,” and he looked kind of sad so I took a deep breath and was like, “Will you be my boyfriend or whatever?” and he started laughing and said, “Sure, why not?”

AlexIsGay: They’ll write sonnets about you two.

AnDIE: Shutupshutup.

AlexIsGay: How are you feeling? Got your passport and your suitcases packed yet?

AnDIE: Ha, and, indeed, ha. I’m actually feeling quite good :)

AlexIsGay: Really? Yay!

AnDIE: Ikr? Who knew relationships are actually this fun? Obviously I was paying too much attention to you and Gary and that whole shit-storm of a “relationship”. So really, my promiscuity is all your fault.

AlexIsGay: Your logic, once again, is flawless.

AnDIE: Always. Dylan says hi.

AlexIsGay: He’s there?

AnDIE: Yeah. I guess since we’re a couple now we’re doing the whole you-and-Dexter-esque inseparability thing.

AlexIsGay: I guess that’s my main contribution to society so far XD

AnDIE: I dunno, I bet you put AVEN’s movement back about a hundred years with your doomed Gary relationship XD

AlexIsGay: What’s AVEN?

AnDIE: Asexuality Visibility and Education Network ;)

AlexIsGay: Oh fuck OFF.

AnDIE: Lol! Sorry, sorry. That’s the last thing I’ll say, I swear.

AlexIsGay: Whatever. Tell Dylan I say hi back. Also Dexter says hi to both of you.

AnDIE: See? We’re on the right track so, with the whole copying-you-guys thing. We’re in the kitchen, where are you?

AlexIsGay: My bedroom.

AnDIE: Two seconds.

AnDIE: Okay now we’re in my bedroom too.

AlexIsGay: This is getting weird.

AnDIE: What are you guys doing? Dylan just started kissing my neck.

AlexIsGay: Oh my god. Goodbye.

AlexIsGay has gone offline.

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