moving in together

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His hands moved on their own. Past Harrys broad shoulders and slightly feminine waist to his little perky bum. As Louis slids his hand inside Harrys trousers he smirks. He feels the lacy texture of the cute panties and leans foreward to breath hotly in his lovers ear. "Panties today love? Why's that?"
"Wanted to be pretty for you daddy." Louis almost awes at the sight before him. His two year jounger boyfriend sitting in his lap with a cherry red face and disheveled clothes. "Your so pretty baby" If it's possible Harry gets even redder and he gazes down in his lap in embarrassement. Louis places a long lingering kiss on his babys lips  before standing up, placing Harry on the couch and stretching his arms above his hands. Harry couldn't help but stare at the little bit of skin revealed by his shirt. The smirk on Louis' face makes Harry even more embarrassed.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door. Louis groaned at the interruption and the sound alone made Harry twitch. he wanted to be alone with Louis and disliked the person, standing in front of their apartment, even though he didn't know who it was and what they wanted. 
He stood up and arranged himself to look presentable. He went to stand next to Louis, who was chatting to a nice lady with brown hair.

When she heard him approching, the woman looked up at Harry. It was his mother. Anne was standing there, chatting to his boyfriend and she didn't even know it. Of course, his family knew about Louis, but they had never time to meet in person. 

Louis had started working at their local mall, shortly after he graduated, to earn enough money for their own flat, which he surprised Harry with at his 18th birthday. And it was the best surprise ever. Harry loves to remember the day. And whenever he does, he kisses his boyfriend as a silent thank you. And he does now too. Right in front of his mother. That was his first kiss with his first official boyfriend.

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