promise me

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It was almost time. Louis had to go. His mum had met a men and they wanted to move in together. Since Johannas house was too far away from the mens workplace, she had decided to move in with him. If Lou was unhappy about it, she didn't know or didn't care. Of course Louis had begged her to stay, but she wouldn't listen, saying it was for the best for both of them. But Louis wanted to stay. To go to school with his princess. Whenever he called Harry his princess the younger boys face would light up like a christmas tree. Louis loved seeing him so happy. Harry was happy when Louis was around. But when he was alone in kindergarten he missed the older boy. Louis already went to school but Harry had to stay in kindergarten, seeing he was younger than his best friend. The other kids were mean to him. They laughed about his clothes and his hair. The younger didn't understand why. He loved his little pink tutu and he liked the little braids his sister did every morning. But why did the other kids laughed at him? He went home crying the first day it happened. Whenever Lou was around nobody would dare to laugh. Harry needed Lou.

Especially now. He's looking up to the older boy. Tears are running down his cheeks. He doesn't want him to go. "Pl-please stay Lou." he begged, gripping the older boys sweater tightly in his little fists. He had to stay. It was Harrys first day at school next week and Louis had promised him two years ago when he went to school, that he would be there for Harry on his first day. But now he wouldn't be here.
"I-I can't stay princess. My mum is making me leave. But I'll come back to you." He looked down towards his best friend and Trier to hold in his tears.
"Pro-promise me? Promise you come back?" Harry looked up with so much hope in his eyes, it broke the older boys heart. He knew the he'd probably never come back but he couldn't tell the curly head that.
"Yes I promise. I'll come back and make you my princess okay? We'll have a big wedding and cake, yes?" Harry smiled at that. He always dreamed about his fairytale wedding.
As Jay called his name, Louis takes Harrys hands in his and kisses his knuckles. With a kiss on the forehead he's gone from Harrys life for a very long time. But fate decides to bring them back together later on.

Not a very happy chapter, but I wanted to write a "I have to leave you" scene for a while now. Better them being kids as adults right? Well anyways leave your thoughts as always. 😘  

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