asking the question

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"Hazza?", Louis asked, laying on the couch of their shared apartment.
"Yeah Lou Lou?" Harry came out of the kitchen, untiying his apron and brushing his curls out of his face. The older boy was mesmerized by his beauty. He sat up and mentioned Harry over.

"Do you remember our promise as children?" He asks, voice full of concern and love.
"Yes I do. You wanted me to be your princess." Harry was unsure what Louis was hinting at. He could be quite oblivious sometimes.

Harry reached over to grab Louis' one hand. His other was stuffed in the pocket of his jumper. Louis seemed to be very nervous and Harry didn't know what to do. So he just tried to comfort him silently.
Louis smiled at him. "Yeah that was it.... I know we're still young. But will you Harry Edward Styles make me the happiest prince in this universe and become my princess?" Louis kneeled down while holding out the most beautiful ring Harry had ever seen. He was shocked and probably the happiest man on the planet. His only answer was a passionate kiss, filled with everything he had. That was their first kiss as soon-to-be husbands.

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