Chapter Twenty-Six

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Chapter Twenty-Six:

I woke up to green eyes.

They lay beside me, on my bed, on some morning of the date I couldn't care to remember. Eyes that were smiling at me, with a look so peaceful, so sweetly, that I knew immediately who they belonged to. One of the few genuine people on this earth, one of the few people that could actually make me smile.

Max Merryweather. Just the sight of him, just looking at me while I slept, lying in my bed beside me, was enough to make me melt and smile and snuggle into him. He was just so fucking sweet, one of the truest people I really ever had the pleasure to know. I could tell, even when we had met years ago as children, that he was a kind-hearted kid. I was way too bad for him.

But having him lying beside me, with the soft morning sunlight peaking through my bedroom curtains, it seemed almost a dream. A far-off, unreal dream of epic proportions.

"Morning," he mumbled. I felt his hands wrapped in mine, the warmth of his body so close to me that I almost died right there, knowing that it'd be in his arms, and that I was the most cliche, love-stricken creature to ever rule over you all.

"How long have you been here?" I asked, snuggling closer towards him. I could feel his breathing stroke my face.

"Since about three in the morning. Couldn't sleep at home."

"So you just broke in? Nice. What time is it?"

"Nearly 6.00AM."

"Why did you come to my house?" I groaned, still half asleep, and annoyed that I was up this early.

He fumbled his light blond hair in his fingers, closing his eyes as if in deep thought. "You're the only person that makes me feel safe," he said carefully, choosing his words precisely. "I think... shit, I don't know what I think." He blushed. "I love you, Ari."

"Me too," I said sleepily, turning back over and drifting back to sleep.

When I woke up later in the day, I remembered it like it was a dream. The sky had been that sweet morning pink, so romantic, so precious, and the sun had just barely woken up itself, shining lightly through the windows. The entire thing seemed like it was just a dream.


But that ruined my whole day. Max's voice, stirring me awake, beckoning me. I realised then, right away, as soon as I recognised his voice, that it wasn't a dream at all. And I was practically cheating on Sam.

I turned to find him lying where I'd left him. "So you love me too?" he asked, grinning cheekily.

"No, well, ugh," I began, so politely. "Not like, I thought it was... wait, you said it too!"

"Don't you feel the same?"

There was a pause. "I don't know." That was all I could say, those three charming words. Not the three words he wanted to hear, but we all don't get what we want sometimes.

"It's okay, I know you do," I heard him say, but I'd turned away from him. I couldn't look at him. "You kissed me because you love me."

"Sam," I heard myself say.

"What about Sam?"

"I'm in love with Sam."

"But you're in love with me too."

"Twilight moment."

I heard him chuckle, but only slightly. He had a nice laugh, wholesome and sweet. Everything about him is just so sweet. I would find it extremely hard not to fall head-over-heels for him. He's a bloody catch.

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