Chapter 7

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Justin's POV

Two weeks later

I stare her way, not being able to look in any other direction but hers. I watch her interact with her asinine "friends", being overly phony and feigning how happy she is to be around them. A bunch of nonsense if you ask me. She is not delighted to be around those people at all. However, I guess when she felt as if she did not have anyone else to hang around with, she ran back to those negative futile friends of hers.

Seeing how my heart begins to beat out of my chest, I quickly tear my eyes away from her for the first time since lunch started. I look down at my journal filled with my messy handwriting, and intake a deep breath. I am so very upset at her, and at those unintelligent hoodlums she calls her friends. I continue to disguise this hidden anger of mine, not wanting her or anyone else to see it. It is for the best.

With that being said, I continue to breathe in and out slowly. Once I am calmer than what I was before, I look up with a blank expression on my face. I have to mask what I am feeling... I cannot show it, I will not show it.

"You are so fucking stupid, I love your dumb ass, Natasha!" I hear that hellion, Amber as she throws her head back and laughs at something Tash said. "Shhh." I see Natasha mouth the word to her girl "best friend", before slowly turning her attention to me.

Even with her being way on the other side of the indoor cafeteria, we still manage to meet each other's gaze. She quickly looks down and breaks her eye contact with me, but I do not. My eyes remain on her. She looks back up at me sadly, although she doesn't make any type of gesture to hint at anything she could possibly be thinking about. I was going to mouth that this whole deal was stupid, but that Johnny jerk pulls her into a side hug and kisses her head.

Growing pissed as ever, I rip my eyes from those two and begin to write down my thoughts, feelings, and all my pent up anger in my journal. I write how it's not all my fault why we are not talking to one another, I write how sorry I am, how she's blaming me for our kisses, and I write down how much I miss talking to her, and actually sleeping beside her at night.

Oh, I totally failed to mention that huh? Well it's true, I have not been sleeping in her bed with her for two weeks. Yes, two whole weeks now. All because of two days after she kissed me I brought it up, wanting an explanation as to why she kissed me. She got all mad, and started going crazy girl on me. Luckily we were at my place doing homework, because the argument got bad really quick, and a bit physical... from her end... and maybe a little from me as well.

Flashback: Two Weeks Ago

"For the capital of Namibia, did you get Lusaka?" Tasha asks in a bored tone, almost like she doesn't even want to talk to me. "Uh not exactly. That is the wrong answer. The capital of Namibia is actually Windhoek, and Lusaka is the capital of Zambia." I point to her paper, before going back to my own homework.

"Know it all." She mumbles underneath her breath, before erasing her wrong answers. "I am not a know it all, I just study." I state under my own breath, watching her write the right answers.

"So I don't study?" She snaps, throwing her pencil down. I look at her in confusion. "I never said you didn't, but sometimes you don't." I tell the truth in a low tone of voice, but I guess she didn't like that because she scoffs.

"You think just because I don't study all the time I'm dumb? Hmm, am I too dumb for your company, Justin Bieber?" Cocking my head to the side in confusion, I groan at us going into an argument. "What are you getting at? I have never spoken such a thing like that about you. What is all this really about? Is this about the osculation between us?"

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