Chapter Thirty Four.

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Elijah Astor

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By the time midnight rolled around, the party began to clear out. There were still a couple of people, but none I knew. In fact, I felt so out of place in this party. I hardly knew anyone, minus the slight few I’m friendly with from school, but besides that, no one, besides Stacey and Dakota, know who I am.

Everyone knows Dakota. It amazed me how many people stopped to talk to her, how many people stared after her. She’s admired, but she doesn’t know it. I only this, because I couldn’t keep my eyes off her all night. Well, not the whole night, considering I lost sight of her over an hour ago, after she was dancing against some prick.

My blood boiled when I saw the way he touched her. His hands moved from the sides of her breasts, down to her hips, and back again. It wasn’t as bad as when Dave took the shot off her, though. Now that made me pissed. I want no one to touch her like that. Ever.

His filthy mouth was all over her. I’m surprising myself with how protective I’m being of her. And right now, I’m worried about her. I haven’t seen her, and the last time I did, she was being groped by an asshole and drinking.

She looked extremely sexy as well. Her dress was black leather and cut off mid-thigh, giving an amazing view of her long, slender, bronzed legs. I love those legs.

“Hey.” Stacey’s hand knocked against mine, slipping her fingers through my own.

I snap my eyes to her, shuffling closer to her, departing myself from a group of people I hadn’t realized I been standing near. “What’s up? Where have you been?” I ask her, considering she had been separated from me for about fifteen minutes.

She shrugs her shoulders clumsily. Stacey is a little tipsy, due from all the shots she’s been taking all night. “I’ve just been around.” She pouts slightly, her red lips pursing cutely. She slides up even closer, slipping her arms through mine, wrapping her arms around my back. “So, since this party is dying out, we should figure out what we’re doing.”

My eyebrows go up. “What do you mean?” The music had also subsided, making it easier to actually hear.

“I can’t drive, so I was thinking about crashing here with Dianne.” She bites into the corner of her lip, gazing at me from under her eyelashes. “You could stay with me, if you want.”

Tempting. But, I can’t. Not when I’m thinking about Dakota. I sigh softly, sliding my hands along her back. “I don’t think I should.”

Her mouth turned down. “Well, how would you get home? We took my car, remember?”

“I’ll um, ask Dakota.” Bad move. I don’t think I should have mentioned being with my supposedly ex-girlfriend when on a date with her supposedly best friend.

I was right. Stacey’s brown eyes narrowed and her lips pursed tightly. “You will?”

Shit. “U-um sure.” I stuttered. “I would stay if I could.”

“Why can’t you?” She fired, her cheeks turning a slight pink.

Damn. Good going, Elijah. Get yourself out of this one. “My dad needs me.” I assured her. “He needs help around the house.”

Stacey let out a soft sigh. “Whatever, Eli.” Her arms fall away from me. “I’m going to hang out with Dianne. I’ll call you.”

She will? What kind of parallel universe am I in? Stacey Dugan is actually saying she’s going to call me?

“Good luck finding Dakota.” She rolled her eyes slightly. Then, stepping forward, she placed her hand delicately on my chest and kissed the corner of my mouth. Her lips were cold. But, still, Stacey Dugan. I have obsessed over this girl forever.

Oh, Dakota.Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu