Chapter Forty One.

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Elijah Astor

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Dakota was beautiful.

Absolutely, positively beautiful.

Even sweaty and sunburned, she had a glow to her that worked its way right through my bones and leaving my body begging for her.

The whole cheerleading squad was watching me, but I didn’t have time to be bashful. I didn’t have time to think about anything else, but Dakota.

She was on the ground, her eyes squinted and tinted a watery red and at the sight, my heart plummeted to my stomach. I didn’t like seeing her upset or distraught or in pain at anyway. I just wanted to go to her and take her in my arms.

But, she wasn’t ready for that. But, she’s going to be.

“Son,” Coach started, letting out a brisk sigh of annoyance. She walked towards me, pressing a hand into my chest, holding me back. “This is a private practice. I don’t know what your business here is, but you and your boys better back on up and head out of here.”

Her voice was stern and I knew disobeying would probably get me in a heap of trouble. And people would probably find my next move silly, because getting in trouble so close to the beginning of school is foolish, but Dakota was worth it.

Dakota’s worth everything.

I meet the Coach’s eyes. I almost flinched from the fury lying beneath there. Everyone knew about the cheerleading coach. She’s a harder ass than Coach Barnes of the football team.

“I just need to say something real quick-“

I was cut off by a wave of her palm. Her eyebrows slid down, crouching together. “No, you listen here, my girls have a lot of work to get done and I don’t have time for any hooligans coming up here and distributing me. You hear?”

I heard all right, but I wasn’t really listening.

Dakota was standing up now and she was watching me. The way her clover eyes looked at me made me feel warm all over. I felt like I was melting under the scorching sun right by the Coach’s feet.

So ignoring the Coach’s orders and her persisting, I signaled to my boys behind me.

I could just sense Tommy’s wacky grin. “Alright!” He yelled and the excitement and adrenaline rolling over him washed over me quickly, making me forget all the nerves I had.

The music started off softly. Luke’s guitar started it off, a slow, rhythmic melody and Tommy’s drums slowly drifted in, keeping the calming beat of the song.

The girls gasped and huddled closer, and Coach was still yelling, but my eyes were still on Dakota. I moved back over to the little platform we had set up and my fingers easily wrapped around the microphone stand.

My voice boomed over the field and I almost flinched back from the sound of my own voice. It was shaken and wobbly with my returned fears.

Damn those eyes.

“Dakota this one’s for you.” I said and then I was singing.

The roads are wrapped around your waist…they lead me from place to place…I take trips from hip to hip…in fact, I’ve made a career out of it…I always thought the left was your strongest side…but, when it comes to you I can’t deiced…it’s only a matter of time…”

I was surprised when my singing came out strong and confident and cool. The words drifted right out of my lips easily and controlled. I was putting all my emotion into this song, trying to tell her how I felt through the lyrics. But, even I knew no amount of words could describe what I felt for her.

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