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"now's the time to check your answers, people! five minutes left!"

taehyung has accepted his fate.

he's accepted that there's no chance of him passing this test. that mr. choi's going to give him that trademark disappointed look, is going to do that tiny little shake of his head when he hands him his paper back. that he could have done this well, he really could have, but he's not going to and it's completely his own fault.

and he's accepted that until he's on speaking terms with anon again, it's going to be like this every single goddamn class for the rest of the year.

it feels odd to himㅡgiving so much importance to a person he knows practically nothing about, has never met or interacted with face-to-face. taehyung's always been a careful person when it comes to developing friendshipsㅡhe doesn't trust people easily; always expects them to have an underlying reason for approaching him, for their own personal gain. so the situation he finds himself in and the feelings he's feeling are definitely not familiar to him.

but it's a pleasant kind of oddness that he's willing to get used to.

five minutes left. it's almost laughable how quickly time flies. taehyung looks down at the sheet placed perfectly in the center of his desk; at the untried problems glaring up at him, waiting to be answered at random at the very last second when the panic sets in.

his gaze skims lazily over the questions, hovering occasionally at ones that he could potentially attempt. he finally sighs and rests his head in a hand, pulling out his phone in a half-hearted last standㅡhe has an inkling of an idea on how to do question 12, but not an ounce of motivation. nevertheless, he powers it on,

and sees the notification.

he frowns, pulling the status bar down. forty-eight new messages fromㅡanon, he should have guessed. he's about to ignore them and open the calculator, but then he thinks, why? there isn't much chance of him doing question 12 now that he's seen thatㅡhe'd only sit and brainstorm about what anon could possibly have to say to send forty-eight freaking messages to the point that he'd end up checking it anyway.

so taehyung swallows down his fear, his uneasiness, his excitement, and taps the notification.


it doesn't make sense to him initially. his first dumbass instinct is to change the contact name to 'a', but then he scrolls through the remaining messages.





and it hits him.

what hits him isn't that the answers to the whole test are right there on his phone, or that he's miraculously not going to fail this test, but it's something far more important by his standards.

it's that anon is here.

somewhere in this room, anon had noticed taehyung staring blankly into space for almost the entire duration of the test. anon had noticed and cared, and anon had sent him the answers; despite the fact that by doing so, he'd greatly narrowed down his possible identities toㅡthirty. there are barely thirty students in the class.

new notification.

forty-nine new messages from anon.

ㅡand now it's narrowed down even further, because anon's typing. he's on his phone, typing right now.

ANON. ❪ KTH + ??? ❫Where stories live. Discover now