letter twelve

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thursday 3 (apr)

dear trevor,

i'm sick today so i didn't have to go to school. i'm actually sick and not pretending for once. lord knows how many times i've done that to get out of a presentation or something.

i remember a couple times last year, i was so sick that i couldn't leave my bed. my throat hurt so bad and i could barely breathe. you hurried to my house the second school ended. you just sat with me and we talked until i fell asleep. there was something about your melodic laugh that soothed my throat when i inhaled. it mingled with the air and gave it properties much like honey; sweet and smooth. also a little sticky; it kept me quiet, lodging words in my throat, as you told me stories about school.

it was a little shocking just how much i missed by being absent for a couple days.

it used to be you who told me stories. now, no one comes except granny. which is just as great.

hold on.

granny just came in. she handed me a couple textbooks and a folded note. before she left, she told me that the nice boy from last week brought you your homework so you don't fall behind too much. then she left with the faintest smile on her face.

i opened the note. it wasn't a long one but that's okay;


We didn't have much homework today (thankfully). Just read chapter 1-3 for both classes. I know we aren't in all the same classes so I just brought what I could. I'm sorry if I forgot anything and you get in trouble. I'll be there to back you up, though.

Feel better soon!

— Reed

he didn't have to do that. he really really didn't have to. but he did. and i must admit; although it pains me to see you and amelia all the time, reed numbs it just a little. also, that note he wrote made me feel just the slightest bit jittery.

but overall? it's you i miss. not reed. and i hate that it's like that.

i'll still keep watering that daisy, though. i'd rather not see that go yet.



a/n: the ship has partially sailed!!1!11 hope you're happy :)
question: any ship names? i'll choose an official one next chapter

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