Chapter 5

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"H-hello," I stuttered a reply to him, feeling intimidated by his presence. I don't understand why I feel this way, by this complete stranger. He probably thinks I'm a weirdo or something now.

He gave me a small nod at my attempted greeting and took his strong gaze off of me to scan everyone else around. He paused once he made contact with Nate and smirked intently.

"Please, everyone do come in," he blurted, as he held the door open.

"Except for you two," pointing at Nate and Niko, "-but you girls make yourselves at home," he finished, with his green eyes still fixated on them two.

I can already feel the tension between the three guys as they just stood there waiting to be left alone. I shrugged my shoulders at the thought and cautiously made my way to the entrance of the Estate, shyly passing Xavier's tall frame.

I felt his gaze shift over to my back for a moment while I walked through the large glass doors of the beautiful home. Once I made it inside, I stand a safe distance away from Xavier and give Katrina and Maya a look to hurry up and come inside.

As soon as they walk inside, the door slammed shut behind them by a seemingly angry Xavier.

"This place is huge and so f*cking beautiful," Katrina commented in awe, taking in the scenery that surrounds us. She's right. This place is amazing.

Standing in what I believe was the main living room, is the first room introduced once inside the Estate. It had a modern feel to it with cream walls and an 'L' shaped white leather couch in the middle of the large room. In front of the couch stood a black marble fireplace with a flat screen T.V above it.

I'm already in love with this place.

I decided to look around some more and make my way to leave the room when I'm stopped in my tracks by Maya's warning. "Don't wonder off too far Jade, remember what Niko said."

I simply nod my head thanking her for the reminder and disappeared through the large  bright hallway.

"I really wonder what the guys are secretly talking about." I lastly heard Katrina murmur as I made it into a kitchen.

It's the complete opposite of the living room. Being a darker room with black granite counter tops and dark wood cabinets. A small glass table with black leather chairs sat behind the counter and in front if two windows. This is honestly something I'd want in a kitchen, I thought.

I walked out of the kitchen after admiring every inch of it and walked through the same hallway. But before I walked any further through, I was stopped by large dark wooden doors to my left.

Well this looks interesting, I thought to myself. I really wanted to investigate this room. I started thinking to myself whether I should take a peek or walk away.

"I'll just take a quick peek through the doors and leave, what's the harm in that?" And with that I opened one of the large doors which was surprisingly heavy, and stuck my head in, looking in both directions.

Wow, nice office, I said internally. I cautiously stalk through the doors and examined the spacious office room.

The room was already dimly lit by a fireplace on the far right of the room. In front of me sat a black leather couch and a dark wooden desk. Four huge windows took up most of the wall behind the desk and were covered by red drapes.

After my discovery, I thought it would be best if I hurried back to the living room before the guys came inside. I turn to walk out of the room when my face slams into a hard wall-like chest.

"Ow sh*t," I winced and rubbed my forehead.

I heard a clearing of a throat in front of me, making me take a step back and slowly raise my head up to meet a pair of angry green eyes.

"What are you doing in my office?"

Of course this would be his office. It took me about a minute to muster up a reply to him which annoyed him even more. Great.

"Oh, um sorry. I was just leaving." I quickly mumbled, feeling embarrassed as ever. I still don't understand why I'm so intimidated by him.

Xavier's jaw slightly twitched as if he's going to say something but stops himself before any words could come out. I no longer felt safe being alone in the same room as him and scurry away to the heavy office doors.

I almost made it safely out, until I was pulled back into place with a heavy, firm, but gentle arm. Surprisingly, Xavier didn't need to use so much force pulling me back into the room.

He sighs, "Did you snoop around? I have a big problem with people snooping around my stuff."

Well good thing I didn't snoop around his stuff then, I thought to myself. His emerald green eyes were piercing holes through my face as he stared at me for what felt like an hour, for my answer.

I mentally kick myself to hurry up and answer him so I could leave out of this awkward position. His hand never tightens around my arm and I don't think he's going to let go anytime soon.

"No I didn't snoop around. I was just looking for a bathroom in this mansion of a home and got lost." I mean that wasn't totally a lie. I actually do need to pee and if this room ended up being a bathroom I would have used it.

He hadn't said anything after that and still held my arm, staring at me intently. As if he was trying to see the truth of my words.

His breathing slowly increased as he looks at the features of my face. He then puts a strand of my hair gently behind my ear. I hadn't realized how close we were standing next to each other.

We stood like that for probably five minutes just staring at each other. He cleared his throat and finally let my arm go. It's like he got out of some sort of trance. I was beyond embarrassed at this point.

"Alright well good. The bathroom is in the living room you were first in." He said annoyed.

Now I felt beyond embarrassed and stupid. I mentally face palm at my first impression with Xavier. He probably thinks so low of me.

"You can leave now." He growled, snapping me out of my thoughts. I don't say anything but nod at his command.

I walked out of the heavyset doors and fail to close them shut all the way. I can't help but take a peek through the crack and spot Xavier standing behind his desk.

He has his hands on his hips as he eyes his desk making sure nothing was touched and everything was in place. He tugs on a locked drawer in the middle of his desk. Finding that it was still locked, he let out a relieved sign and dropped down in his chair.

What was that about, I questioned myself in my head. Curiosity was killing me to see what was locked in that drawer and why there's something locked. What are you hiding in there Xavier, I thought.

I saw him slouched over in his chair with hands rubbing at his temple. Without warning, he swiftly lifted his head up, eying the crack through the office doors. I quietly gasped when his eyes landed on mine and hightailed it out of view, through the hallway.

The last thing I heard was the faint sound of the doors slamming behind me. I passed through the kitchen and made my way to the living room. I was then greeted with confused looks from my friends and a glare from Niko.

I again internally face palmed.


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