Nerds Need Love Too:Chapter 2

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It was exactly four months after the mysterious note appeared on my desk. Ever since then, I couldn't help but smile whenever I thought of him. I was a bit sad when the mysterious admirer hadn't came and confess it was him. But I mean who would confess their love to me? Seriously..

But I moved from the note. I finally came to the conclusion that it was just note written with words that I wanted to hear..

A lot has changed since those two months. I was now in my senior year, my grades never looked better, and universities have already sent me letters wanting to attend their school. My short brown hair was now pass my shoulders, it was still brown. I no longer wear sweats anymore since my lovely mother decided to throw them out.

But there's still a few things that hasn't changed. I'm still a book nerd and yes they still do ask me for answers to their homework. I still hadn't made any friends as yet- even thought my parents threw a few parties during the break. Believe it or not- no one came.

My parents are very weird, I know. But seriously who throws parties for their own daughter?

Mine did.

I was now in the lunch line waiting patiently for my food to arrive. Today's special was pasta, chicken sandwich with a side of french fries.

Anything that involved french fries - had my name on it. Grabbing the tray, I grab a soda - paying for the food. I looked for an empty space and found one..Next to the popular or what I like to call them pathetic barbies.


After lunch we had a free period. I went to the library to get some books for this "big" report in Mrs.Carter's class. She's the most rudest teacher in Oak Grove High school. She's pretty -but don't let that fool you! She's rude and to top if off she was our Biology teacher! Biology was one of those classes that bored me beyond death.

I was now in her class, out of all the classes it was the last period of the day.

"Only thirty more minute's till freedom" I muttered.

Mrs.Carter cleared her throat gaining all the attention from the students.

"Okay class today you guys will be working in pairs on dissecting a frog." she started handing out papers when this girl, I think her name was, Lilly raised her hand.

"Um Mrs. Car- " She was shortly cut off, not even half way done completing her sentence when Mrs. Carter stopped her.

She snapped. "Did I ask you to speak? No. So be quiet"

I turned to Lilly and saw her face was bright red as she lowered her hand.

I grabbed a white lab coat and place it on, covering my sweatpants and my white tank top . I aligned my big glasses that covered my green eyes and fixed my long brown wavy hair into a messy bun.

"Okay now class. I'll be picking your partners and you will get started." she ruffled through a few stacks of papers on her desk till she found one paper in particular in her hand. She aligned her glasses and started to roll call who was who's partner.

"Lilly McCraw and Carlos Pan"

"Milly James and Nick Bronx" As soon as I heard my name called, my head snapped forward.


"Sorry I was late Mrs. Carter" a husky voice came from the doorway.

I looked up from the paper and saw Nick Bronx. The school player. He was wearing grey faded jeans, white v-neck t-shirt and some chucks. His hair was a light golden color and was messy. His beautiful baby blue eyes lighted up every girls world.

But let me tell you again his looks-yea he's sexy but he's a total player to girls. He breaks their heart and they beg to take them back. But as always he has the school slut-Christina by his side after the "breakup".

I looked up at the heavens, "You just had to choose him didn't you"

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