Nerds Need Love Too: Chapter 5 Part 1

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Staring at my phone-I couldn't help but felt creep out.

I kept re-reading the text message, who ever this person is-is really something. He knows his poetry,and a way to a girl's heart. What girl wouldn't want that. But the question is why me? What made me so special? 


So unfortunately we meet again Mrs. Carter.

Today she was wearing bright red lipstick you know what that means!

Mrs. Carter has have the cookies for our hot math teacher Mr. Smith.

Mr. Smith was ubber yummy. Sometimes when Mr.Smith turns to write on the board, the girls nod their head-basically staring at his "lovely" cup shaped ass.

But anyway-off subject, Mrs. Carter and Mr.Smith have been getting together on their break. Once I was passing through and saw them locking lips. 

I sat down and smoothed out my black skinny jeans, adjusted my black cardigan and took out headphones.

Mrs. Carter had just stepped out of the classroom so I decided to listen to some music before class started.

Leaning back, I remember the first day when the mysterious note had landed on my desk. Just thinking that someone was interested in me, sparked a feeling inside me..

Feeling a poke to my side,I turn to see Nick mouthing something but I couldn't comprehend. 

I lowered down the volume on my phome and took out my headphones out of my ear, whispering him "What?"

"Take off your headphones, Mrs. Carter is coming our way" I looked up and saw indeed she was coming our way giving me a stern look.

Clearing her throat she landed her eyes on me. "Miss. James care to tell me what is so interesting about what you're listening to or what you and Mr. Bronx was talking about-care to share with the class?"

"I-I was -" obviously I just had to stuttered.

"She was just telling me about the project that we had to do Mrs. and boy did I tell you that bright red stick looks divine on you" Nick said adding a wink, making her blush.

With that she left as went on to lecturing. 

"Hey" I muttered leaning in to him.

"Whoaa! Get closing to me already? (he leaned in) I know I'm a babe magnet, but I don't do nerds" giving me his smirk. I laughed. " it's not that. I was just wondering- why'd you save me back their?"

I was curious to why Nick would do this? I mean he's not exactly the  "saver" type.

Was he the mysterious secret admirer?

He shrugged. " You were stuttering a little. So me-being prince charming I saved your butt." he said smiling at me.

"Well thanks. You know I think we can be great friends. What do you say?" I say raised my eyebrow at him.

He pretended to think. "Hmm. I don't know cause I don't hang out with people like you" saying in a girly voice. I laughed and he started laughing too.

Something inside me made me think he was the secret admirer. 

The assignment was just to type up a report. Nick wasn't paying no mind to assignment so it just left me and the computer screen. 

Turning around the chair my eyes scan across the classroom to see Nick chatting with his friends. 

Hmm, when did they get here? They don't have this class.

I glanced over at Erik, he was laughing at something. He looked up to me and stared at me, before I  turned my head and my cheeks burning red.

As I began typing the report,I felt someone very close behind me. Turning around, I saw Erik.

"Hello Milly" I squinted my eyes at him.

What game was he playing?

"What can I do for you Erik?" He gasped. "What made you think you can do something for me?"

I laughed. "Everyone always wants something from me. Either help, answers, or doing their homework. So what do you want?"

"Well I was you.. going out for a date?" He said. I looked at him for a minute.

Was he serious?

"Are you serious?"

"Yes.." he said looking at me seriously

Seriously thought I was being punked.

This was probably one of his tricks." Wanna go out?" " Sure" , next day "we're through".But then again... maybe the secret admire would come up to me and maybe show himself.

"Why?" something was up.

How can you ask someone on a date and you don't even know the person? He sighed, "Yes or no?

"Fine" With that he gave me his number.



After gym class, was LUNCH. Boy was I hungry, my stomach kept making whale noises when we were stretching and let me tell you- it was embarrassing !

Grabbing a tray I got a salad, orange chicken, and some rice. Picking up a water bottle and paying for my lunch, I saw a girl waving her hand at me. I couldn't see her clearly so I walked to where she was. It was Jessica.

Lauren sat across from Jessica. Judging from her appearance she seems like the person that wasn't meant to be mess with. She was wearing a slight crop top and some jeans with a cardigan around her. She had blonde hair and was seated next to a girl - whose name was Ella. She had black hair that stopped at her shoulders. Very tan, Ella was on the school's swimming team. 

Carlina was the quiet one she was next to Ella. She had long light brown hair with streaks of golden highlights. Carlina seemed like the artsy type. 

We exchanged greetings and we all seem to be getting along very well till Jessica told them about my secret admirer 

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