Nerds Need Love Too: Chapter 8

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Splashing water on my face, I look up at the mirror.

Currently in the girl's bathroom, I couldn't come to face with what just happened to me.

Milly, she's just getting inside your head. Don't let some pathetic barbie bother you. She's trying to push you to the limit. Don't let her get to you.

I'm tired of being "Booknerd Milly". I'm tired of people coming up to me asking for this and that. I'm tired of people stepping over me. I hate how I'm such a weak, fragile person when it comes to Lauren. From the first day I saw you sitting at the table I knew she spelled trouble.

Walking out of the girl's bathroom, I heard what sounded like Nick and Lauren talking.

"Leave Milly alone Lauren. She has done nothing to you, so leave her alone."

I jolted back. I stood hidden behind the doors, leaving a small space to see what they were doing.

My eyes focus on Lauren. She was angry. Her arms were fold against her chest, and she was glaring down at Nick.

"What! Do you like her or something? What does she have that I don't Nicky! I mean look at her- she's a joke! She's a nerd for god sake. Me and you, we have something. We had something Nicky. I have beauty what does Milly have that I don't?"

A brain

"-Nerds and jocks don't mix. That's not how life works!" she said loudly as she stalk towards him.

Nick held her shoulders tightly.

"Look Lauren. I don

"Leave Milly alone. Look Lauren, I don't know what you thought of 'us' but think again. You were just an easy fuck, nothing else. How dare you make fun of Milly. What has she ever done to you? Lauren get this inside your small little brain of yours- me and you are done. We were always done. Milly has done nothing to you and you know what Lauren? Milly has brains, she's so smart unlike you. Your rude and will stoop a level down to insult someone. How would you feel if you were the one getting the letters, and Milly was the one reading that letter out to the class? You would cry wouldn't you. Those things are kept private for a reason Lauren."

With that he walked off. 

Lauren was still. She looked down before casually sliding down the wall to the ground before heading to the girl's bathroom.

Wait! I was in the bathroom. Milly you need to stop being so nosey!

I hid in one of the stalls, while the girl's bathroom swinger open.


Was Lauren crying?

I heard the door shut, I carefully walked out of the girls bathroom and headed to my locker.

As I opened my locker, a pink paper flew out.

Opening it, I read it...

If only you would allow diffusion to occur, if you would allow your love in,

But no, you cannot. Because your solution has already reached equilibrium,

Equilibrium created with the love of another woman. Oh woe is me!

If only you understood, how happy I was when the vacuole of my heart swelled to twice its size when it came in contact with the hypotonic solution which is of your love! If only you knew how hard it is to live when the vacuole shrivels in this hypertonic solution of hate. If only you could once more be hypotonic, if only that man would leave you so your concentration gradient would change, then maybe, (lipid bi-layers allowing), be together again. Maybe then our love can undergo diffusion. Maybe then we could even reach equilibrium, oh if only.

I held the pink paper to my chest and smiled.

Who ever this person is know's how to make a girl smile...even after Lauren embarrassed me

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