Nerds Need Love Too: Chapter 16 (Dedicated To Readers)

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A/N: Being though it's summer, I've been getting more time to write, which is good! :D Tell me what you're gonna do for summer vaction! Ever heard of scallaping? It's where we go in the ocean, and get scallaps! :D & you can eat them-perfectly healthy...I think :3. Okay enough of that, let's get to reading! So I decided that ... Nerds Need Love Too has a few more chapter's to go, till the mysterious admirer is revilved. Be reminded that some of these chapters are giving hints. Be on the look-out!


Nerds Need Love Too Chapter 16.

So Jessica dyed my hair a darken brown-which lookes kinda better, then my normal hair color. Believe it or not, Jessica broke my glasses, and vow if I ever get caught with another glasses I would die- of a horrible death. Know scared I shook my head. We had went shopping, and we bought a new bookbag, new clothes, new shoes, new accesories.

I was happy and I havent been happy in a while.. I was glad I had my best friend back, I was glad..I was happy.

When we came back to Jessica;s house she told me what to wear, and what not to wear. She told me different ways to style my hair instead of putting it in a messy bun all the time. But hwat caught me offf guard is her saying " There will always be that one person who hates you no matter what, stop trying to impress everyone and do what makes you happy".


It's 5:00 PM on a Sunday Afternoon

        I'm so bored.. what to do..what to do.. I was lying down on my bed cuddling with Fredrick Jr.       again.  Sunday's are so blah; I have no car-which sucks, which means I can't go nowhere. Sighing my mom came in because apperently I'm sighing out loud.

She sat on my bed and said "What's on you're mind?"

"I'm bor-"

"So call me maybe, and all the other boys try t-"

I grabbed my phone from my bed side and saw that it was a text from Jessica. Opening it up, it read:

              No need to fear! Jessica is here! Come to my house at 7:00PM.Wear something hot! They'll                                                              be guys(;

"Really a party?" I said out loud.

"A party?" my mom questioned.

Before she could say anything I quickly said "I'm not going".

"Why not?"

"Because- I don't want to ?" it sounded more like a question then a statement. "Well as you're mother, you're going!"

"But w-"

"No you're going..I want you to have an amazing junior year, and if that means going to the party then you should" she said will looking at me.

Maybe it won't hurt... She had won this round .

"Okay.. I guess?" My mom smiled-"Perfect. Thank you, know go get something to wear, I'll tell you're father you're taking the car tonight". With a big smile on my face I said "Thank's mom". She had walked out of my and left me to get dressed. Wondering through my closet; I found a blue mini skirt, white tank top, a beaded belt, and a red blazer. I grabbed my favorite pumps which have a fun spin on traditional animal print with pink, black and gold sequins. I went to my dresser and grabbed a gold chain with silver initial, and sliver ball earrings. I curled my hair and sprayed hairspray and admire myself in the mirror. 

                                                                            I look beautiful

I grabbed my black clutch purse and threw a few dollars and my iPhone in their. Going downstairs, I grabbed the car keys and head to Jessica's house. Opening the door my first thought was 'what have I gotten myself into' ? The party was in full blast, the music was pumping, girls in short dresses, guys flirting with girls. So this is what you call a party..interesting..

Jessica slowly made her way through the crowd, in her hand was a bright red cup. She had her hair curled, black skinnies on, forever21 crop top, and black pumps on.

"You look fab!" she said giggling.

Rising my eyebrow at her, I said "Are you drunk?"

She was still giggling when she said 'No'. Rolling my eyes at her, she grabbed my hands and ask if I wanted anything to drink. I grab a water bottle- you never now who spikes drinks here. Jessica had wondered off, leaving me to dawn for myself.

"Hey hot stuff!" I turned and saw Nick. Surprised-I didn't say anything. "I know-I'm hot, I have that effect on that ladies" he said giving me his signature smirk. "Cocky much?" "Milly?" he said bewildered. "Is ..that...whoa!" He took a step back and looked at me. "You look...well...smoking!" he said smiling. Blushing I said "Thanks Nick. So where's the guys?" "" he continued to look at me.  "Did I change that much?" I said softly. "Mi-""NICK!"

Look what the dog dragged in...

"Lauren.." at least Nick wasn't drunk.



"Whatever's! Hi I'm Lauren, I'm co-captain at our high school".

Drunk, she was wearing a short red mini dress, that stops at her mid-thigh and black heels.

"And I don't care. Save you're crap for someone who cares. But anyway, hi my name is Milly" I said smiling sweetly. Pure disgust filled her face. Rolling my eyes, I went to the bar and grabbed a beer. Opening it, a hand went around my waist. I shouted, but only to find it was Jack. "Hey Jack, sorry for that." "It's okay Milly, may I say- you look gorgeous". Smiling I said "Thanks". We began to talk, till he grabbed my home, and took me to the dance floor. We danced to "Glad you came" and "Back In Time". I was having a blast, till Lauren came and took over.

Talk about dog..

I left Jack with Lauren, mentally laughing in the back of my mind. I went to go find Erik. Only to find him with sweet, quiet Carlina. I smiled, you should have seen her smile..

"They so should be boyfriend and girlfriend"

I turned to see Adam.

"Hey Adam."

"Hey Milly" showing me his pearly white teeth's. "You look nice"

"Oh..don't get me Adam see any girls stand out?" I said looking at him.


"Really who?"

" I'm looking at her" he said whispering. Blushing I looked at him and smiled. We stare at each other, till he came closer, and kissed me. Not on my cheek but on my lips.. He backed me up on the wall and his hands tousled into my hair, as my hands tousled along with his.\

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