Chapter 2- Sold

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 ■TRIGGER WARNING■             

I start to scream but they cover my mouth up quickly. Laughing they pull my hair harshly and shove me towards their van.

"See you in a bit sweetheart... you might be a bit... sore," John says laughing. I feel a sting in my arm and realize that it won't be long before I'm unconscious. 

"Happy Birthday, Bitch."


I wake up tied to a bed, my lower body hurts, and I know my innocence has been ripped from me. I look at myself and see that I have bruises all over my body. A sob escapes my mouth followed by another.

They caught me, and now I'm eighteen. No one can save me.

I hear the door handle turn and Cole steps in.

"I've waited so long for this." He says, his eyes filled with lust. He smiles evilly stepping towards me. His vile eyes rake over my body and I start to cry again.

He slaps me, "shut up you slut." As takes his clothes off, I squeeze my eyes shut. I've never felt this helpless in my life.

"Please," I whisper.

"Don't worry sweetheart, you'll enjoy this as much as I do." 

With that, he starts planting rough kisses all over my face and body.He groans in pleasure while I cry silently.

"I'll be back later, after Dustin." He says after he finishes. With that, he closes the door leaving me alone to cry.


It's been a week and they haven't stopped. They've been getting worse, barely feeding me.

"Now slut, I want you to enjoy yourself this time," Dustin says. "So enjoy it." He says it as a threat. Like I'll be punished if I don't. So, I act like I do. It's the worst thing I've ever had to do, and I've done a lot. It just fuels him more and he gets rougher. He stands up, smiling happily. His eyes rake over my body and then he looks to the ropes that are still tying me down.

"I don't think you need these anymore since you cooperate." He says taking the ropes off me. I rub the raw skin on my wrists and legs when he leaves.


"C'mon we've got to make it in time," John says to his boys.

I don't know where we are going but they gave me some really skimpy clothes to wear, so this can't be good. It's been another week of the same torture. And I don't see how it could get worse. I found out that they traced my cell phone to find me. I don't know how I could be so stupid. They put me in the back of the truck and drive into the really bad part of town. They pull up to a run-down restaurant. Grabbing me, they walk to the back of the restaurant and through a door. I see a bunch of men and some girls dressed a lot like me.

"I'm glad we are getting a change," Dustin says. "Plus, this slut will bring good money."

Three thoughts run through my head, the first being: No! They can't be! They're going to sell me!

The second: Maybe this will be a good thing. 

And then third: I really want to tell them they should've dressed me in blue because pink washes me out. I know better than to smart off, though.

"The best part is, we get her back in a month," Cole says. What little hope I had is crushed. There is no escape. 


My first "renter" was just as bad as them. I worked as a maid and a sex slave. He had me wear skimpy maid outfits that showed my butt every time I bent over. He was a very old, successful businessman.

I'm back to John's house now. Cleaning every inch of the house and being their toy. They also have a new girl here who takes most of the attention away from me. I hear her cry every night but I'm locked in my room so I can't leave to comfort her.

"Pour me some coffee, I need my energy," John says, glancing towards the new girl's door. I grimace but pour his coffee.

A sweaty, smiling Cole steps out of the girl's room and he comes to sit at the breakfast table.

"We will be selling you again soon, so you better be a good little slut for your new master," Cole says to me. I nod, knowing that fighting will only make it worse.


"Sold to Mr. Stark!" The auctioneer says. 

Like Tony Stark? 

A man about my age stands up to receive me. Nope, definitely not Tony Stark.

"Hello, pretty lady." He says when he arrives in front of me. "You can call me sir, master, or daddy." 

It takes everything in me not to cringe.

"Yes, sir," I say quietly. He grabs my arm and leads me to his car. When we enter, he tells his driver to go straight home. Without even bothering to take me on a date first, he grabs my face roughly and forces me to kiss him. By now I know that if I don't go along with it, I will be punished. So, I kiss him back and he groans happily. When we arrive at his mansion he shows me my room, which is nicely furnished. My eyes widen. Compared to my room at my other house this place is amazing. Still not cool, though. 

"See you in the morning, Brittney." He says, locking my door.

Sighing I plop down onto the bed. After a while I fall asleep, but not before I turn on the lamp in the corner.

In the morning I wake up to find my door unlocked. I cringe when I see it is slightly open. Getting out of bed, I see the outfit he has put out for me and sigh. Once again, I have to wear a skimpy maid outfit.

"We will be having guests today so be on your very best behavior. And give them whatever they want." He says winking at me. 

My nose scrunches up in disgust as I turn away. 

"And don't forget to flirt, I don't mind."

"Yes, sir," I say walking away.

After about three hours the doorbell rings and I rush to open it. A man that society would deem attractive--I'm sure they do since they don't know who he hangs out with apparently--stands there. Remembering the man's words, I put on my best smile and turn on the charm.

"Hello, Charming."

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