Chapter 11- Heart

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Listening to what Brittney is saying to Janice is breaking my heart. Deciding I can't take it anymore, I walk into the kitchen. I want to tell her it will be okay, and that I heard what she said, but she didn't want to share it with me. Her intention was only to share with Janice. So, I act oblivious.

"Morning ladies," I say. They both mumble a "good morning" back and after a little bit of watching them work, I leave the room.
Sadly, I have to go to Jimmy's. Ever since I found out that he'd been using Brittney, I've avoided him as much as possible, and I think he's noticed.


"I don't think I will ever be able to get enough of these," Brittney says, stuffing another Cinnabon in her mouth.

"Well, it's a good thing you can come here whenever you want."

She nods but doesn't say anything. I'm hoping that she's slowly warming up to me. I really want her to like me. But she has to trust me first. And with what I've done, and who I am, I don't know if she ever will. The song I was singing this morning fits me. If I tell her everything I've done, who I really am, how messed up I am, I don't know if she could ever love me in anyway. God, I hope she can, I know that the truth will come out sooner or later, and when it does, I hope she can stay with me. I'm snapped out of my thoughts when I hear Brittney laugh loudly. Looking up, I see a boy about her age, a little younger than me, grinning at her.

"My name's Julian." 

He extends his hand to her, and she reached her hand out without hesitation.

"I'm Brittney."

I feel a twinge of jealousy because she took his hand without hesitation, but she will barely come near me half the time.

"Can I help you?" I ask rather rudely, but I don't really care. 

He slowly turns his head to me and I'm met with piercing blue eyes.

"Nope, just wanted to say hi to the pretty lady," says smoothly, making Brittney blush.

"You said your greeting now leave." I half growl.

He flicks his black hair to the side before giving a piece of paper to Brittney. He smirks at me, turns on his heel and leaves. I look at the paper in Brittney's hand and raise an eyebrow.

"You're not actually gonna call him... right?" I ask, trying not to let my agitation or nervousness show through.

"Maybe," she says with a glint in her eye like she's challenging me to tell her not to.

I just shrug.

"I'm done, are you ready to go?" I ask standing up. She nods also getting up and tossing her garbage, and the note she was given, in the trash--much to my satisfaction. As she smooths out her dress, I realize I'm not surprised that little punk hit on her.

"That dress looks beautiful on you," I tell her, stating my thoughts.

She blushes and gives me a shy smile, "Thank you."

She would look pretty in rags... Or nothing. I bet she would look amazing with nothing on.

Thoughts out of the gutter now!

Fuck, this is getting out of hand.


"Wanna play twenty questions?" Brittney asks me.

"Why not?" I say with a shrug.

"Okay, I'll go first." When I nod, she asks her first question, "What's your favorite color?"

"Blue," I state instantly, "favorite animal?"

"Dog, I've always wanted a German Shepherd, they're just so pretty, especially the black ones. What is Janice to you?"

"She's more of a mom than my real one. Do you trust me?"

"I'm learning to, it takes time." I nod at her response, "why did you save me from them?"

"Because from the moment I saw you, I knew you didn't deserve the lot that life had given you, and when I heard from Jimmy that you were gone, I knew I needed to find you." She drops her gaze and a blush crawls up her neck, "Why can't you look me in the eye?"

"Because whenever I used to look someone in the eye, I'd be punished, because I'm not equal to them, and it shows disrespect," he says with a shrug and I clench my fist, "How old are you?"

"Twenty-three, how old are you?"

"Eighteen. Where are your parents?"

"My father died, and my mother is god knows where doing god knows what. What happened to your mom?" I ask her even though I know the answer.

"She was killed by a rival gang of my father's. He messed up and she paid the price. What happened to your father?"

"Killed in a fight. I think that's enough questions for today." She nods and gets up, "Oh, and Brittney, I want you to always look me in the eye, your more than equal to me." She nods once again, shoots me a small smile, and goes to her room.

At least she's trying to trust me. The problem is, do I tell her what I've done now, or after she's learned to trust me?

Either way, she'll be hurt.

And that's not something I want to cause.

"Janice? Can we talk?" She nods and pats the spot next to her.

"I need some advice... I don't know what to do."

"My boy, not knowing what to do? This must be about Brittney," she says knowingly. I nod my head.

I start into my story, telling her everything from how I killed Brittney's father to the twenty questions we played, and what do to about telling her what I did. She listens quietly, her face not giving anything away.

"What do I do?" I ask desperately.

"The moment that girl learns to trust you, it means she loves you. A girl as broken as that will not trust you without loving you. In one way or another, may it be as a friend, brother, or, if you are lucky, a lover. If you tell her before you may break the chance of trust. But if you tell her after, you may break her heart." 

I hang on to her every word, almost trying to memorize. Without another word she gets up and leaves, leaving me dumbfounded and without an answer to my question.

Do I break her trust? Or wait and possibly break her heart?

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