Chapter 19- I Saw A Woman

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That was the best birthday party ever. I got my girl back, that's all that matters. Waking up with her in my arms is the best feeling ever. And I hope that not a day goes by where she isn't in my arms.

Now we are sitting at the dinner table, not saying anything.

We both have serious expressions on our face.

"We need to talk." She says, breaking the silence.

"I know. I'll tell you anything you want to know," I say truthfully.

She sits there, a thoughtful look on your face.

"Why?" She asks, "Why did you kill him?"

"I did it because I was a new leader, and he created a problem. I couldn't let him get away with it because others would think that they could too. I was young and had a point to prove," I answer.

She nods, swallowing hard.

"Why... Why did you save me?"

"Because the first time I saw you, I saw a woman, tattered and broken. I saw a woman who needed to be saved, so she could have time to heal, and in time she could stand on her own. I saw a woman who had no hope, but yet I saw a woman who wanted to live," My voice stays surprisingly strong during this.

A single tear makes its way down her face, and I quickly wipe it away with my thumb.

"Where's your mom? I know your dad died, but you really haven't said much about her." I go rigid at her next question but answer anyways.

"Sherry was never really a mom to me. Sure, she gave birth to me, but after that. She was always working. And when she wasn't working, she was nailing her boss. On the rare occasion I did see her, she wouldn't even look my way. Janice is more of a mother to me than Sherry will ever be. More than she ever was." I try to keep the disgust and hate out of my voice, but I fail miserably. My hands are clenched tight into fists.

Brittney sits there for a while, not saying anything. You can tell she's deep in thought.

Finally, she sighs, "I forgive you Charming. I know you had to do what you had to do," she says in a shaky voice.

I let out a deep sigh and I feel like a gigantic weight has been lifted off my chest. Hearing those words meant everything to me.

I grin at her, all of my anger has vanished.

"I love you," I say, still smiling.

"I love you too."


"I can't believe you! You are such a lying cheat!" Brittney shouts.

"Babe, I swear, I haven't cheated once!" I say, trying to get her to calm down.

"Yes, you did! You've had her the entire time!"

"No, I swear! Please believe me!"

Now, I know this conversation is a little confusing, so let me help you out.

We are playing Go Fish. She kept asking for a queen, and I may or may not have lied and said I didn't have one. So, when I had my last card and asked her for a queen, she figured out I was lying.

She growls and launches herself into me, effectively making me fall back onto the floor. She straddles me and gives me a wicked grin.

"Now, I'm going to give you five seconds to tell me if you are lying. Otherwise, you will be punished, Mister. Five."




"Three. Two. One!"

She starts to tickle my sides and I squirm under her but somehow, her dainty frame has me pinned.

Soon I'm gasping for air.

"'ll do... anything!" I say in between gasps.

"Admit it! Admit that you are a lying cheat who can never get away with anything!"

"I am...a lying cheat who...who can never get away... with anything!" Finally, her hands stop torturing me and she gets up, dusting her hands off. She smirks at me and sits on the couch.

"That's what I thought."

When I finally regain my breath I get up and plop down next to her.

"What's something you've always wanted to do?" I ask.

"Travel the world. I wanna see everything, from the beaches of Hawaii to the mountains of Japan." She says in a light tone.

"Then that's what we'll do. Someday soon, we will travel the world together. We'll see the lions on the Savannah, and the monkeys in the rainforest." I declare.

She giggles, "I already have one monkey, but I've got a feeling the other monkeys will be cuter than mine."

"Hey! No monkey is cuter than me!" I say, pretending to be hurt.

She sits on my lap and pecks my lips.

"Your right, your way hotter than a monkey. You're more like a gorilla."

I growl playfully and crash my lips into hers.

I love that I am able to kiss her whenever I want now. I don't have to worry about her flinching away from me.

We break apart, breathing heavily.

"I could never get tired of kissing you," I state, causing her to blush.

"Hmm, I guess your not to bad of a kisser either."

"I'll show you just how good of a kisser I am!"

The End.


So yeah... I finished it! I'm already working on an epilogue, and maybe I'll do bonus chapters?

I really appreciate the comments and votes throughout the story. It makes me feel good to know someone in this big world likes what I'm writing.

Don't forget to hit the little star, and I would love to read more comments!

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