Chapter 4- Master

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FYI, sometimes this story jumps back a little in time. Chapters overlap to give a really clear view into what is going on in different character's minds at the time. 


Trash like you.

His words ring in my head as he steps into the house. I stiffen and look at the ground.

"This way sir," I say quietly, taking him to the backyard.

As soon I get there, I hurry off, not wanting to be near that man anymore. Even though I've heard stuff like that all my life, it still hurts. Especially from someone who doesn't know me. I get it to work cleaning the kitchen, humming to myself. After a while, I hear the man saying he's going to leave so I try to avoid talking to him by going out of the back door of the kitchen, but of course, I find myself in the same place as him.

"Goodbye Cinderella." He says, my eyes snap up to meet his. Why did he call me... Oh.

I called him Charming. I give him a small smile and brush a rouge piece of hair behind my ears.

If I was Cinderella I wouldn't have to worry about John. There is no fairytale ending to my story.

Sadness courses through me and I drop my gaze again.

"Goodbye, sir," I say, walking out of the room.

Sighing, I start to clean up the backyard where Mr. Stark left a mess. It's funny that that man compared me to Cinderella. She's beautiful and I'm not. She's skinny and I'm not. She gets the prince, and I won't. John will have me until I get too old to take advantage of. Then he will probably sell me, for good. I guess that's a good thing. Or kill me. Not such a good thing.

"Oh, Brittney," Mr. Stark sings. I go pale, knowing exactly what that tone means. Not today. I've only been here two days.

"Yes, sir?" I ask weakly, walking into the hallway where he is.

"Why don't you follow me to my room, I've got something I'd like to show you." He says, his eyes are filled with something I've come to know well. Lust.

"Okay, sir," I say, putting my head down I follow him to his room.


"Thank you, Brittney, I'll see you at dinner." Mr. Stark says, wiping his sweaty face. 

I hurry out of his room and run to my own. I fall down onto the bed face first, sobbing quietly. Why is this my life? I slip onto my knees on the floor. Clasping my hands, I do the only thing I can. Pray. It's one of the only things that connects me to my mom.

Dear God, I'm begging you, please I'll do anything. anything. Kill me if you have to, just get me out of here.

I know that it sounds odd that I pray, given my predicament. But it's the only thing that gives me hope. After laying in bed for what seems like minutes, I look at my clock and see that it is time for dinner. I quickly jump up and fix my hair. Thankfully Mr. Stark has a cook, so I don't have to worry about that. I rush into the kitchen and grab the tray of food the cook has prepared. Putting a fake smile on my face I bring the tray to the table.

"Here you are, sir," I say, setting the tray down. 

He touches my rear end and I jump, spilling his drink on his lap. 

"I am so sorr-" 

he cuts me off with a slap to the face so hard my head snaps to the side.

"You little bitch. Get a rag to clean this up." He growls and I scurry out of the room holding my face. 

That's the hardest I've ever been hit. Fuck that hurt. Grabbing a cloth from the kitchen, I hurry back into the room and wipe down the table and hand him the rag to wipe down his lap.

"Go to your room and don't come out until tomorrow."

"Yes, sir," I say

"One more thing. Now that I've slept with you, you will call me master." He says putting an emphasis on will.

"Yes...master," I say and scurry off as a smirk takes over his face.

Going into the bathroom I see a hand-shaped mark on my cheek and splash some cold water on my face. For the second time today, I let the tears fall freely and collapse on the bed. After a while, I notice the TV in my room and look around for the remote. When I find it, I turn on the TV to Impractical Jokers. I love this show. It's literally the only thing that can make me laugh. I get up and put a chair in front of the door before going to bed.


I wince when I see the black and blue mark on my face.

Yeah, that's gonna be hard to hide.

I grimace and walk downstairs. Mr. Stark smirks at me when he sees my face.

"That'll teach you not to be so clumsy." He says still smirking at me.

"Good morning, Master," I tell him. He nods and walks away.

I get to work cleaning all the picture frames. And let me tell you, there is a lot. Oddly, none of them seem to have any people in them. Just paintings. No family. When the doorbell rings I hurry to get it, hoping it's not who I think it is.


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