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"Stiles, it's me, Liam. You need to pick up your phone, okay? Please. We need you back in Beacon Hills. The pack is..it's not even a pack anymore. Everyone's leaving. First Isaac. Then Lydia and Jackson. Everyone loses all hope. I know you're more than heartbroken over what happened with Derek, but Stiles. We may have found a way to bring him back to life! Peter sacrificed himself for Derek! Can you believe it? Psychopathic Peter Hale sacrificed himself! The problem is that if Derek's going to come back to life, he must want to be alive. Scott thinks that he doesn't want to. That he never have had the change to be happy. I call that bullshit! Derek's happy with you. He loves you more than anything else. Stiles, you can save him, okay? You just need to come back to us. Please. I can't do this alone. Everyone have already given up. I need you Stiles. You're the pack mum, remember? I-I need you. I know that I'm weak and I hate the fact that I'm seriously crying over the phone but Stiles, please! You n-need you come back!"

I feel so sorry for Liam, oh my god poor little baby •

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