Chapter 1

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Note:the speech thingies that don't have a name next to it is you speaking,but if you and another person is speaking I wouldn't put their name for everything they say if it's a long conversation.
Your POV
A new term was beginning,Rem,Roen and I was sitting in the limo being driven to school,the soft snore of Rem's sleeping figure bounced inside the limo,with Roen in his puppy form he lay on my lap napping.Rem's soft hair bristled against my cheek,as he lay motionless on my shoulder,the night before he has been preparing the start of school preparations.We were almost at school,so I patted Roen's soft head and he looked up at me.I gave his a soft smile,and he replied back to me by giving a soft cry.
"Good,we're almost there,remember what I told you act like a normal dog,don't get other humans suspicious,"
"*yip*"-Roen,I nudged Rem's sleeping body until his eyes fluttered open.
"We're almost there wake up sleepy head,I don't want your fan girls harassing me if they saw us like this,"
"Okay,"He lifted his head off my shoulder and laid back on his chair while staring out the window,while I played with Roen's puppy form.
At school...
Rem got out of the limo when I came afterward carrying my school bag,as usual the fan girls were all over him.I sighed and trailed behind Rem as his fan girls shot me disgusting looks like I have sprayed on some new perfume that smells like cat pee.I walked up the stairs to the third library as I left Rem to deal with his fangirls.As usual,Roen trotted in and walked around the library,Mage and Urie were arguing,and Shiki was trimming the flowers.I dumped my bag on the table in the middle of the library and gave off a quick sigh.
"Chill out you guys,what's the point in arguing?"
"Oh yeah,what were we fighting about?"-Mage
"See?"I gave off another sigh and headed towards the door.
"Where is my dear Rose going?"-Urie
"To assembly,you guys have forgotten about that already?"I mentally face palmed and kept walking down the stairs and pass all the hallways and finally stopping at a large wooden door that was open,everyone was beginning to get seated as the Student Council were preparing them selves on stage.I walked up to the stage and coughed.
"Ahem!Welcome back to a new term at school,please welcome the school president to the stage!"I shouted through all the girl fan cheers.Rem stepped up to the stage and began his speech and literally he was so into it it took him like half an hour to finish it!And I swear he added in some extra stuff in it too,Shiki then talked about the school charity's and donations,and then I went up to the alter and began my tiny speech.
"Thank you school president and school treasurer,I'd now like to dismiss the assembly and return to class as what you would normally have in period two,4th year students and new students I would like you to remain in the assembly hall for further notice,"the classes went until it was the 4th years and the new students.
"Okay,4th year students,I would like you to pack up the chairs,as for new students need to grab one of these student hand books which will be your personal guide in this school,"I handed out the handbooks as the 4th year students packed up the chairs,the student council has already went back to the student council room as I was patrolling the hallways for any lost students that were new to this school when I came across a bunch of huddling students around the notice board,and of course Ritsuka Tachibana was in the middle of attention.
"What?!I didn't't violate the school rules!"she yelled in front of everyone.
"Ritsuka Tachibana,it would appropriate if you would take your loud complains to the president,"I reminded her.She took back in awe,like who dares speak to the great Ritsuka Tachibana like that?well guess who?me!I left her still processing my words I went back up to the student council room and took a seat on one of the chairs at the table next to Shiki.
"Wow,what has gotten into you and these long sighs?"-Mage
"Oh be quite Mage,those fan girls of you people are driving me crazy,especially that Tachibana girl,"
"Jealous much?"-Urie
"Nope,but I guess Rem summoned her for some reason about violating the school rules,"just as I finished saying that a knock was heard from outside the door.
"Speak of the devil,"
"You are one,"-Mage
"Come in,"-Rem,the door creaked open.
"Ritsuka Tachibana,I have been expecting you,"-Rem
"Listen,I didn't violate the school rules!"-Ritsuka
"Rumours has it that you have been violating the school rules,but actually,"Rem stopped and cast over a spell to make her freeze,he walked up to her frozen body(not like in frozen in ice thing tho,but frozen in mid air,).
"I've actually summoned you for my own purposes,"-Rem
"The Grimoire,"I muttered.

Thanks for reading!please don't forget to vote,comment,follow and check out my other books that are practically filled with chapters?(only two of them)Thx!

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