The Good Times (what once was sequal)

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i walked down my stairs in my underwear and Chris's Raiders sweater. i wiped the tiredness from my eyes while smelling coffee in the air. i walked in to see Chris, just in sweatpants no shirt, bending over picking something up.

"I like the view from here." he turned around and put his hands on his hips.

"Im not some cheap whore."

"How much?" i giggled as i reached the end of the staircase.

"Two thousand."

"UH?!!! your so not worth it!" 

"Come here!" he grabbed me in wrapped me in his arms. i laughed and hugged him back.

"Good morning." i said into his chest.

"Morning? its 2 in the afternoon." my eyes got wide and i withdrew from his embrace.

"What?" he asked.

"Im late for work! i was suppose to be there at 1!" i said running up the stares. i called Hayley to see if she covered for me.

"Dude your off."

"Whats today?"

"Saturday. you dont come in til Monday. have a good day love." she laughed hanging up. dont i feel like an idiot. i walked back down stairs looking at Chris who was casually leaning against the counter sipping coffee.

"Im off." i said.

"I know."

"And you didnt stop me when i freaked out!?"

"It was fun too watch!" he laughed.

"Bastard." i mumbled.

"No need for name calling!" he smirked. i grabbed his cup of coffee and sipped it while looking devilishly at him. he just grinned shaking his head.

"What do you want to do today?" i asked sitting on the couch as he sat next to me.

"I have this autograph signing at Hot Topic. Want to go?''

"Sure. When?"

"20 minutes."

"I have to get ready!'' it takes a girl more than 20 minutes to get dressed.

"Get to it." he laughed. sometimes i just want to hurt him.


"Chris, is that your girlfriend?" Asked a 15 year old girl. Chris looked over at me and smiled.

"Yeah, thats her." Other teenaged girls eyed me. some smiled, others glared at me. Typical fan girls.

"Will you kiss her?" Another asked. he smiled shaking his head.

"She hates kissing me! im a really bad kisser." He joked with the teenagers.

"She thinks he tastes like an ashtray." said Hayden. the crowd laughed. so did i.

"Can i see if your a bad kisser?" Asked another fan. she looked about 16 or 17.

"Trust me you dont want to hunny. Hes a real bad kisser." Saiid Taylor. the crowd laughed harder.

'' Maybe i wasnt to find out myself." she snapped. i shook my head on how rude she was acting. Chris ignored her and kept signing shirts. i decided to roam around the store so i could get away from the deadly stares i was recieving.

i looked at the shirts on the walls and saw a NSN one. i grabbed it and bought it. i bet Chris would get a kick out of this. his girlfriend walking around with a his band shirt. really awkward aye?

"So your Chris girlfriend?'' asked the register guy.  he had green eyes, black hair, really pale skin.

"Please tell me your not a crazy fan because i think i dealed with enough death stares this lovely afternoon?" he smiled showing bright white pearls.

"No. his musics alright. Just wondering."

"OH... yeah i am. You are?"

"Christofer." he said handing me my shirt.

"Wow. now i know another Chris." i smiled.

"See you around."

"Yeah." he smiled. i walked back to Chris who was being mobbed by the fans.

"Alright! one song and we have to leave." the crowd cheered and i sat down indian style next to Chris. Hayden handed him his guitar amd he looked down at me from his seat. He then stood up, sat down next to me and i smiled. Taylor and Hayden sat in their seats. He suddenly leaned in and gave me a sweet small kiss on my cheek. i felt my skin go hot. then the crowd awed.

"Shes blushing." someone pointed out. i laughed nervously covering my face.

"Alright. Umm... this song called Good Times. i wrote it the other night. lets do this guys!" he cheered. i smiled on how random Chris can be at times.

I woke up on a Wednesday morning, with a hangover that quaked my brain

Smoked cigarettes to keep me sane

I know I’ll be alright

I pushed my covers down with stubborn force

And stumbled out of bed

Disregarding insufficient might

I know I’ll be alright

It seems like everyone I know is letting go almost every night these days

As the days roll on I wonder what will justify our obstructive ways

The good times make the bad times worth our time

Got spiffied up and brewed a cup, my morning remedy like down the hatch.

Preparation for another day

I know I’ll be alright

Hopped in my automobile and kicked her out

Then I took the wheel

Headed downtown to grab a meal

I know I’ll be alright

It seems like everyone I know is letting go almost every night these days

As the days roll on I wonder what will justify our obstructive ways

The good times make the bad times worth our time

I called up all my friends that night

There’s something going down my way

Bring all the fun you can

I know we’ll be alright

We ranted, rambled carelessly

Until we fell asleep alone

It gets more fun with every dose

I know we’ll be alright

It seems like everyone I know is letting go almost every night these days

As the days roll on I wonder what will justify our obstructive ways

The good times make the bad times worth our time

I woke up on a Thursday morning, with a hangover that quaked my brain

Smoked cigarettes to keep me sane

I know I’ll be alright

after he finished he yelled "GOOD NIGHT SANDEIGO!" graabbed my hand and we ran out of the store all the way to our car. I could never be bored of this man next to me.

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