Gimme your hand ...

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Its been what like 2 months after the break up with Chris. And surprisingly... im taking it pretty well. i mean... even after crying four nights straight and not eating for about a week. oh yeah... and i smoke again. Bad habit i guess... Ugh! its just so.... it sucks.

i pulled into my the shops parking lot and got a text. i looked at the contact number. it was from Jordan.

hey... you work today? - J.W.

hi... yes im just pulling up. why? - Tori

i texted him while stepping out of the car.

"Because i wanted to see you." I heard his familiar voice.

"Jordan!" i said attacking him with a hug.

"Hey, you." he laughed. i stood back looking at him.

"how a been?" he asked.

"could be better? You?"

"Alright. New haircut."

"i know... its looks amazing on you." i said running my hands through his hair.

"thanks. so my cousins getting a tattoo. so i was wondering if you want to um.. err.." he stuttered.

"if you wanted... to go to dinner?" he smiled shyly.

"Um... Well..."

"If Chris wouldnt mind! i mean-"

"Jordan! Shut up!" i laughed.

"Chris and i arent together anymore..." i mumbled.

"And i would love to go to dinner with you." i smiled.

"Cool. um... im sorry about ... chris." i looked into his eyes and i could tell he was sincere.

"its fine. i get off at 8 . ill text you my adress."

"Cool." he smiled.

"ill see you later, Jordan." i smiled stepping inside the shop....


i heard Jordan beep the horn outside. i looked one last time at the mirror before running out the door.

Jordan POV

I looked at her as she locked her door. she turned around and she smilee showing a perfect row of white teeth. Her hair was long and wavy. She wore an Anthem Made shirt and denim skin tight jeans with some vans.

"Hey." She said getting into the car.

"hi. you look great as usual."

"Thanks. i hope were not going any where elegant. i dont think i dressed the part."

"Well... um i actually didnt know what to decide."

"oh... well, i think i have a place in mind. mind if i drive?"

"er.. sure. why not." i got out and she slid over to the drivers seat.


After getting a bite at In-n-Out, she drove us to a hill where you can see all of Las Vegas. well not literally...

"So your not a vegetarian anymore?" i asked as she took a bite of her burger. she waited til she had an empty mouth.

"um... i wanted to try something new... again. i guess just see if i miss eating meat."

"well do you?" i asked.

"Not that much." she said munching on a fry. i laughed as she threw her burger back in the bag. i stared at her as she looked up at the sky. I wonder what happen with Chris?

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