I know times have been rough. . . For the both of us.

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Christofer [#2] P.O.V.

I woke up in the middle of the night. I dont know why I couldnt sleep. I looked over & saw Tori sleeping. I smiled to myself looking at her soft face. I lift the blanket and placed it over her. I laid my head back down on the pillow and replayed last nights events. I cant believe we had sex....

shit! we had sex and she has a boyfriend!

"fuck me..." i whispered. i got out of bed and slipped on my black jeans. i didnt really feel like puting on a shirt. i got a pack of Menthols out of my pocket. i dont smoke as much. only when im stressed. a pack last me at least 4-5 months. i looked at her one last time before leaving the room.

Christofer Drew POV

I wondered around in the parking lot, taking the last puff of smoke from my last cigaretted.

"Fuck!" i yelled. i threw the bud down on the floor. I havent went to sleep since i saw Tori ... I dont know how or when she got here. Why is she even here! i tottally fucked up this time. i hate myself for drinking. i cant believe what i did. i hate what ive become. i probably look like a lunatic out here at 4 o'clock in the morning. im just wearing red shorts and no shirt or shoes. my hair looks insanley crazy. I need another cigarette. But that was my last one... Damn...

Suddenly, i hear some noise come from the double doors. i look up to see a guy step out and stand against the wall. he lit a stick and slid down the wall. I really need one.

Christofer POV

"Mind sparing one, brother?" i look up to see Chris shirtless asking me for a cig. Without saying a word a handed him one.

"Thanks." He said as he sat next to me. can this night get any better? im smoking a fucking cigarette with her boyfriend!

"Im Chris." He said taking a puff. what do i say? 'Im Chris... i had sex with your girlfriend last night and possibly fell in love with her. nice to meet ya!' Like wtf!

"Im Christofer."

"i know." oh shit.

"im not surprised.So many people have that name." i felt air go into my lungs. i agreed. we sat in silence for a while. i wonder what happened last night?

"Why are you up this early?" i asked.

"couldnt sleep. i was looking for someone."

"oh." was all i could manage to say.


"Needed to smoke." i lied. he nodded his head.

"Who were you looking for?"

"My girlfriend... if she still is my girlfriend." he mumbled. should i ask another question?

"why wouldnt she be?"

"lets say i drank to much and met a girl at the bar." He fucking cheated on her!

i sat there in a daze. who would cheat on her. shes... well her! she fucking beautiful and he would pick some slutty chick from a fucking bar. i looked down at my hand that held the pack and my other hand was reaching for another cigarette. i clenched my hand into a fist and felt the cigarettes break in half.

i threw them down and i saw chris give me a weird look.

"What ever happens, i bet you disserve it." i snapped at him as i stood up. I walked inside fucking livid. Guys like him piss me off. i was so pissed i punched a hole in the wall. Damn.

i guess he didnt take my comment as a smart remark because he came inside and followed me into the elevator.

"Yeah... i disserve what ever hits me." he mumbled. i hit my floor number as the doors shut.

"Your on the same number floor as me." He said. I ignored him still pissed. Luckly it felt like the quickest ride up to our floor. I wanted going to rush out of there to get away from him because i can honestly tell you that i wanted to punch the shit out that kid but i stopped in my tracks as i looked at her face.

Christofer Drew POV

I looked down at my feet as the doors closed. I felt some weird tension between me and this guy. I dont know.... i honestly dont care. I dont care about anyone. All im worried about is where the hell Toris at. Last thing i need is to worry about is a random guy being pissed at me. Good thing it was a quick ride. I heard the doors opened and i closed my eyes. I waited til i felt his presense leave but i didnt. i looked up to see whats the hold up. She was the reason.

"Tori." i mumbled. She staring at him instead of me. After at least ten seconds she finally looked at me. Then Chris, brushed passed her and then it was only her and i.

"What was that about?" i asked. she shook her head. My heart skipped a beat as she stepped inside the elevator with me. She looked at me with big puffy eyes.

"Why were you crying?" i asked her.

"No reason. Just my boyfriend cheated on me with another girl. the usual."

"I didnt have sex with her! i puked my brains out after you ran out."

"So if i wasnt there you wouldve kept doing what you were planning to do Chris!" She cried covering her face.

"Tori... please let me explain!?" i begged her. i tried to grab her hand but she pushed me back.

"Dont touch me Christofer Drew Ingle! im sick of this." She yelled as she pushed a botton.

"Im sorry that i fucked up. im stupid. i had to much to drink. i wasnt actually going to bring a girl over. A girl came to me and it just happened!" i said all in one breathe.

"Doesnt mean you had the right to do it." She whispered.

"But its okay." i was surprised by her words.

"We both did something horrible in this relationship." she said stepping out of the elevator. i followed her into the lobby.

"What?" i asked astonished. she never told me about anything.....

then it clicked.

"What the fuck is he doing in Sacremento?!" she looked down at her feet.

"You fucked him didnt you?" i laughed. not because it was funny but because i couldnt beleive her. She was making feel like the bad guy.

"Thats a very hoeish thing to do Tori." Suddenly i felt a blast to my face.

"I only did it with him because my boyfriend cheated on me! he was there to love me unlike you!" she screamed. i held onto my cheek that she just slapped.

"Tori.... Im sorry for saying that." she had tears running down her cheeks. All this stuff im putting her through is killing me inside.

"can we please just... start over?"

"Chris how many times are we going to start over?! i just cant."

"What? You cant what?" i begged her. She cried even more.

"Tori please say something." I felt my eyes get heavy and my throat start to hurt.

"I think we should break up." she whispered. ive heard those words so many times. but i thought i would never hear those words come from her mouth.

"You dont... I mean. tori you dont mean it." i grabbed her hand and she looked up at me.

"I need to go." i looked into her eyes and she stopped crying. but now i felt tears streaming down my face.

"Please dont leave me." i begged her. She was still.

"Bye Christofer." I was stuck. i felt like a whole bunch of daggers punctured my heart. i couldnt comprehend this in my head. my head hurt way too much. my bones felt weak. I lost all feeling in my body when her hand slipped out of mines. I refused to look up. I dont want to see her walk out on me. I dont want to lose the girl that i wanted to be with forever... the girl i want .... to marry. the girl i want to have kids with. the girl i want to love til im dead. But i have no choice to watch her leave....

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