Chapter 5

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Y'all, i looked back at my chapters and realized i was all over the place in numbering, my first couple were pretty long but then the third one was only five pages then the fourth was eight and now this one is five again. Why am i not consistent. 


 To say I was uncomfortable was an understatement. Alice saw Bella stop Edward and we got there as quick as we could. When we had gotten inside two men and a woman, who I assume were vampires, escorted us, although I don't think we had much of a choice, to what I can only describe as a throne room. There were three thrones in which 3 men (vampires) sat on. I assumed they were Aro, Caius, and Marcus. Although I didn't know which one was which. I stood slightly behind Alice.

"What a happy surprise" The one in the middle said, standing up and walking over to us. "Bella is alive after all, isn't that wonderful. I love a happy ending" He grabbed Edward's hand from Bella's. This dude was creepy. He said something in italian while staring at Edward.

"Her blood appeals to you so much, It makes me thirsty" He continued, yep definitely creepy. "How can you stand to be so close to her."

"It's not without difficulty" Edward responded.

"Yes, I can see that" He chuckled. I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Aro can read every thought you've ever had with one touch" Edward explained, that is definitely creepy, at least I know his name now, though "And now you know everything, so get on with it."

"You're quite the soul reader yourself, Edward." Aro said, his eye flicking between Edward and Bella "Though you can't read Bella's thoughts... fascinating." He stepped back, releasing Edward's hand. "I would love to see if you're an exception to my gifts as well" he held out his hand "Would you do me the honor."

"I don't think so." I said, stepping slightly in front of her. He looked slightly bewildered and when I glanced over to the other two they looked a little offended.

"My, my, you must be Bella's sister, Lily" He said, grabbing my hand before I could take it away, "How extraordinary, mated to not one but two vampires" his flicked over to Alice, I violently pulled my hand away, although if he wanted he probably could've kept hold. "You've got some fire in you."

I glared at him and felt a tug on my wrist, pulling me back slightly, it was Alice. Aro looked back to Bella, she hesitated but took a step forward and put out her hand. He grabbed it, looking excited, and after a few seconds looked at her.

"Interesting, I see nothing" He let go and turned around, taking a few steps towards the thrones, "I wonder if..." He trailed off before turning back around.

"Let us see if she is immune to all our powers, shall we, Jane."

Jane looked over to us but before I could do anything, Edward lunged towards her. He didn't get very far before he suddenly stopped and collapsed.

"Stop!" Bella shouted, looking between Aro and Edward, "stop, please, stop. Just stop hurting him, please!"

"Jane" Aro said quietly, Jane looked towards him and Edward stopped writhing in pain.


"Go ahead, my dear." he said after a beat. Jane looked towards Bella,

"This may hurt just a little" she said, Bella braced herself, but after a couple seconds nothing happened. Aro started to laugh,

"Remarkable, she confounds us all" Aro chuckled "so what do we do with you now."

"You already know what you're going to do, Aro" One of the vampires on the thrones commented.
"They know too much" The other added "They're a liability"

"That's true" Aro hummed, "Felix."

Suddenly we were both turned around, I heard two low growls before I was suddenly standing behind Alice. Edward attack one of the vampires, Alice went to helped but was caught by another vampire.

"Hey!" I yelled turning around and glaring at the one holding Alice. I, obviously not thinking straight, punched him in the face. He didn't move an inch and I'm pretty sure I broke my hand, but at the moment I didn't care. I kept hitting his arm like a child. "Let her go, you stupid piece of shit, who do you think you are, let. Her. go" I'm pretty sure Alice was trying to tell me something but I wasn't listening. Suddenly I was grabbed from behind and held in a strong hold around my neck by another vampire, it was then that I realized that Felix had Edward by the neck.

"Please, no, no, please, please" Bella yelled in panic. Aro held up his hands, telling felix to stop trying to rip Edwards head off.
"Kill me, kill me, not him" Bella said,

"What, Bella-" I started to shout, but was cut off by the vampire tightening his hand on my neck, I heard Alice growl. It was only now that I felt my hand start to throb. Aro looked at Bella curiously, like she was a puzzle. He started to walk towards her, Felix following while still holding onto Edward.

"How extraordinary" He marveled "You would give up your life for someone like us. A vampire, a soulless monster."

"Just get away from her" Edward snarled from his hold.

"You don't know a thing about his soul" Bella responded, Aro murmured something in Italian and looked at Edward.

"This is a sadness" he said in English, "If only it were your intention to giver her immortality"

Aro got closer to Bella, when I realized his intentions I started to struggle again, I understood that she wants to be a vampire but she is not being turned by this dude.

"Wait," Alice said, Aro paused "Bella will be one of us, I've seen it"

"I'll change her myself," Aro held out his hand and the vampire holding her let her go as she walked over to him. She took off her glove, giving him her hand.

"Mesmerising, to see what you've seen before it had happened"" he said in awe, what's with this guy and big words? He turned towards Bella "Your gifts will make for an intriguing immortal... though, you have not seen Lily."

Alice tensed a fraction,

"No, I have not, but I'll turn her myself." Alice said, repeating what she said about Bella. Aro almost looked convinced until the blonde one spoke up.

"How do we know you are not lying."

Alice was at a loss for words.

"Yes, we would like" Aro said.

"What did you have in mind" Alice said tensely,

"She be turned" Aro replied, looking at me. Edward gave a growl from where he was being held. Wow, who knew he was so protective of me, I mean, Bella I get, but me? Alice got in a defensive position in front of me, I looked from Aro to the other two kings, I'm assuming that's what they are, then to Alice, Edward and Bella. If I wasn't turned there was a very good chance that none of us would walk out of here alive. I sighed.


Alice, Bella, and Edward looked at me in shock, although Edward knew my reasoning considering he could read minds.

"Excellent" Aro said cheerfully and clapped his hands together. He stepped towards me and I took a step back.

"On one condition" I announced, the blonde king seemed annoyed at this.

"This is not a negotiation" He yelled, I ignored him, he was really starting to annoy me.

"Alice changes me" I said, determined. Aro considered it for a few moments.

"Very well."

Alice turned towards me.

"Are you sure about this." She said quietly.

"No, I've haven't even thought it over but we don't have much of a choice." I replied, i was nervous as hell, but I gave her a small smile "besides as Newt Scamander once said 'Worrying means you suffer twice.'"

She took a deep, although unneeded, breath and put her mouth close to my neck. I shivered in anticipation, hoping i wouldn't regret this.

"Jasper is not going to happy about this" She muttered to herself before before i felt a sharp pain in my neck. 

Love Never DiesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora