Chapter 6

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Also, the next book might be slow to publish because i have a lot of crap going on right now, i'm sorry.


Pain. That was all I could feel, was pain. Throughout my entire body, like fire. I didn't know where I was, might be a car or a bed, but also might be hell. I could vaguely feel something, or someone, pinning me down. I couldn't move but I tried, I tried very hard. I was writhing, trying to get rid of this awful pain in my body.

My chest was the worst, it felt like lava had been poured into it. I could hear screaming, someone was screaming. I wanted to reach up and try to claw my heart out, but I couldn't move my arms, they were still being held down. There was still screaming. I vaguely remember the time I talked to Alice and Jasper about turning a few weeks ago, Jasper had quickly changed the subject but they mentioned that Carlisle had kept quiet when he turned, to avoid discovery. Now I'm wondering how the hell he ever did that, how he burned in silence. Where was that screaming coming from?

Oh, it was me.


I don't know how long it took, it could've been seconds or days, or even weeks, but eventually the pain, that awful pain, just... stopped. I laid there for a minute, wondering if it was going to start up again. When it didn't I cracked my eyes open, the bright light of day nearly blinding me. I was in a car. The first person I saw was Carlisle, and oh my god I may as well have been blind before because I could suddenly see every little detail of his face. I felt like I was staring at the sun, great, is everyone going to be 5x more beautiful now?. I sat up quickly, getting his attention.

"Lily-" He started but I cut him off putting my hands on each side of his face. He looked unsure but slightly amused.

"Your face is amazing" I spoke, he let out a chuckle and grabbed my hands, taking them off his face.

"Thank you, but how are you feeling?" he asked, I took a second, I felt relatively fine, my throat felt dry. My emotions were on high, I felt absolutely giddy for no reason. Suddenly I smelled something amazing, I looked around trying to find the source then I saw Alice driving, looking back at us every other second. I climbed in the passenger seat to get closer, I stared at her for a few seconds.

"You're so beautiful" I said in awe, "I mean, not that you weren't beautiful before but... wow" She let out a laugh, which was music to my ears. I then got even closer to her, sticking my nose into the crook of her neck. "And you smell amazing" I mumbled before reluctantly pulling away. I looked around.

"Where are we?" I asked, it looked a little familiar.

"Forks" Carlisle answered, my eye widened " We're almost home,"

"How did you get here?" I asked Carlisle, because, as far as i knew, it was just Edward, Bella, Alice, and I in Italy.

"The rest of us were on standby outside of town" He explained "The rest took a plane back but we couldn't bring you on a plane, so i came with Alice to assist," I nodded in understanding, he must have been the one holding me down.

True to his word we pulled up to the Cullen household a few minutes later. I had launched myself out of the car before it even parked, going a little farther than I intended, I wanted to see Jasper. I heard footsteps, I assume they heard us pull up and we're coming out. I looked around, suddenly overwhelmed by everything around me. I could hear a waterfall somewhere and some birds. I looked around me wildly, too much information at once. Then a strong scent hit my nose and the burn in my throat worsened, before I could think about anything else I was suddenly racing off towards the scent. It was overwhelming, I heard my name being called behind me. I was being followed, but they couldn't keep up. When I got close enough to see, I saw a couple of campers up on a hill. I felt someone come up behind me and whirled around to look at Edward, him being the fastest one. He was on guard, slowing walking towards me.

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