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"The fucking photographer canceled!" Rebecca shouted as she walked back into the room.

"What do you mean they canceled?" I asked her. "The wedding is this weekend!"

"I fucking know that!" she yelled. The wedding planning had stressed her to her limit already. This was not something she needed to happen. "How am I supposed to find a wedding photographer that is available last minute?" She froze then looked at me with a smile. "You could ask Neil."

I was already shaking my head no before she finished her sentence. "He's a high-end fashion photographer," I explained. "He's too busy and expensive for a wedding shoot."

"He was coming anyway, so you know he has nothing else scheduled at the same time."

I sighed. "It's not just the time to shoot it. There's editing too." Her excited expression showed me she didn't give a shit. "I don't know if he would do it."

"He'd do anything for you, Sabs." She sat next to me on the bed, making me shift towards her. I tried not to look at her, but I had no choice. When I did, her eyes twinkled. "Will you ask him? Please? For me?"


I went to Ziggy's place and used my key to get in

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I went to Ziggy's place and used my key to get in. He had given me a key nearly two months ago, but we had yet to have the move-in conversation. My lease wasn't up for another three months, and I was in no rush, but I would be lying if I said things weren't serious between us.

He was perfect. He loved me so unconditionally, and I felt the same about him.

I opened the door and called to him, "Zig?"

"Upstairs, babe," he shouted down from the loft.

I ran up the spiral stairs and went into his office. He was busy working on a new editorial. Some new attractive actor was on the cusp of an Oscar nomination, and Ziggy had been working on the five pages nonstop for two days. I walked over and he was completely focused.

He always got like that when he worked. It reminded me of all the times I walked in on him in the room, oblivious of everything happening around him while he drowned in his photoshop and his music. A working Ziggy was a happy Ziggy. I was not looking forward to ruining his mood.

I moved in front of him, straddling him in his ergonomic desk chair, and sat down on his lap.

He looked at me adoringly and wrapped his arms around my waist. "Well, hi."

"Hi." I draped my arms around his neck and pulled him into a kiss.

When my lips left his, he noticed my guilty expression and looked at me suspiciously. "What's up with you?"

I sighed. "I have to ask you for a huge favor. Feel completely free to say no."

He gave me a confused look. "Why would I say no? You know I would do anything for you."

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