Oh, Hot Damn

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Chapter 37 –Claire's POV– Oh, Hot Damn

Claire studied herself in the bathroom mirror. She leaned in and carefully inspected her eyes. They looked tired. She repeatedly blinked wide, trying to make them look less sleepy. Four months had gone by since Myrnin arrived and they'd settled into a comfortable routine – working during the days and chatting late into the nights.

She wandered over to the closet, absent-mindedly sorting through clothes to find something suitable to wear; while she contemplated their time together. She enjoyed being with him. He drove her crazy – frequently – but he always made her laugh. She had to admit – it was a huge improvement over the hours she used to spend crying daily.

She appreciated his effort. He was working hard to do and be what she wanted, but all of it was still new. A part of her worried that he would wake up one day and realize that she wasn't really what he wanted – that he was attracted to the thought of being with her, more than he actually liked her.

The other half of her simply didn't know how to let go of the dream that had kept her alive for so long. She paused for a moment, while the familiar grief wound its way through her heart. It hurt to think about her Myrnin and she tried not to. Claire wished she could let go, but was beginning to wonder if she might never be able to. Was she so damaged, that she was destined never to be able to give herself to someone else completely, again? She shook her head to rid the thought from her mind – it was just too painful to consider.

With renewed determination, Claire focused on the task at hand – what to wear. She picked over her plain shorts and t-shirts searching for something, well – more. Claire knew it wasn't her fashion sense that had improved. Instead it was the way Myrnin looked at her when she wore something he liked. A flicker of heat passed through her belly when she pictured his eyes, staring at her, desire evident in his features.

She crossed the room to the wardrobe and pulled out her lingerie drawer. She searched through various garments until she found a revealing cobalt blue bra and matching underwear. She ran her fingers over the delicate lace trim. It was definitely more than her routine white-on-white undergarment choice, but different was good these days– it made her feel alive.

After slipping into the underwear, she pulled on a medium-length casual beige skirt that flowed gently around her legs when she walked and a blue tunic style top. She wanted to be comfortable for the drive. They were taking an excursion to the mountains. Myrnin believe he had found a gravity anomaly and wanted to take readings with the new equipment they spent the last two months working on.

She stepped out of the bedroom and found him busily gathering equipment and taking it out to the car. His eyes flashed up at her. She noticed the way his gaze traveled appreciatively down her body. She flushed in response.

"Are you ready to go?" he questioned; his arms full with gizmos and gadgets.She nodded and followed him out the door into the night. He could handle the sun better than most vampires, but he still preferred to conduct their outdoor experiments in the dark.

As Claire's eyes adjusted to the dim light, she stopped cold. "What the hell is that?"

He glanced back at her in surprise, "What?"

"That....that monstrosity of a vehicle." Claire stared at the over-sized black Jeep. It had the biggest wheels she had ever seen. "And where the hell are the doors?"

He spoke patiently as if explaining something to a toddler. "This, my dear, is necessary, to accommodate all of the testing equipment."

"Yes...but the doors?" she pushed.

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