Chapter Five

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     Millie and I both turn around to see the boy from the market. My eyes find his soft blue ones almost instantly and my words get stuck in the back of my throat. Millie takes a step back, unable to feel so short in comparison to his towering height. He stands probably around six-foot-one, while both Millie and I are around five-foot-seven.

I force a smile and pull on a façade of confidence typically only acheivable by my sister. "Well, I feel like I've come in late to the game. If I had known that we were giving each other nicknames, I would've given it some thought and come up with one by now." He laughs and the smile that forms is so genuine that it sends butterflies through my stomach.

When his laughter dies down, I clear my throat quietly to gain my focus again and turn to Millie. "Anyway, yes, this is my sister."

Millie meets my eyes and the surprise there almost breaks all control over the situation I have. The look she gives me is basically projecting her words. What the hell was that?! I tilt my head to the side and she takes my hint to shake it off and that we'd talk about it later.

She turns and looks at Market Boy and her usual confident self is back on top and standing tall. "It's nice to meet the man that decided to intrude on my sister's practice hour and silently watch her while she had no idea." A pretty smile lands on her face and she continues to look at him.

My once was perfect façade, shatters and my lips are parted in shock as I turn and look at Millie. For a few short seconds, the three of us are silent, Market Boy and I just staring at Millie as she looks on at him.

Shortly after the silence begins, Millie starts to giggle and places a small hand over her mouth. Market Boy and I slowly start to force chuckles into the void here and there, waiting for Millie to gain her composer. Her giggling stops just as suddenly as it started and she clasps her hands in front of her, a smile once again resting on her face.

"I was only joking. Anyway, it was nice to meet you, but as sad as it must be, we really should be going back home to be ready for tea with our neighbors." She nods in his direction and links her arm through mine, pulling me along with her as she leaves. I completely forgot that Mother and Father arranged tea for today to talk about the recital next week.

I was shocked into silence and it takes half a block to find the strength to turn around while walking and look back to where he is still standing. He puts his left hand in a pocket of his black jeans and gives me a small wave with his right. A small smile comes to my face and I turn back in the direction Millie is dragging me.

We turn a corner and Millie turns on me, a cold look on her face. "What the hell was that, Adaline?" Her arms are crossed and I pull back slightly.

"What do you mean? I should be the one upset, I mean, c'mon Millie! We were talking, you can't just end the conversation for me then drag me away." I cross my arms now and give her the same look she gives me.

"No, you shouldn't be upset. In fact, you should be thanking me! You complained about this forming drama between you and these two guys on multiple accounts, then you run into one of them. You don't act like you just did if you want to forget about them like you say you do." I try to speak and when I can't, Millie raises a brow and waits for what I have to say.

"I have no idea what you're talking about, we were just holding conversation up until the point that you ended said conversation." My hands find my hips and I roll my shoulders, trying to shake some of the stiffness out.

"Ada! I'm not stupid, I know what flirting looks like. But you know what's funny about that, we shouldn't be able to know what that looks like, we should really only be able to know the concept of it, you want to know why? Because we're betrothed the second we're born, we have no choice but to be with who we're told. Something of which you have been talking about almost non-stop for the past week." Millie sighs and holds one of her temples.

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