Chapter Twenty-Six

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     The fog surrounding my brain fades and I curl into the warmth that I lay in, more comfortable than I've been in weeks. I sigh, breathing in the smell of the material against my face. A faint cedar. The warmth around me shakes with a chuckle, I can hear the smile in the laugh.

I pull away and peel my eyes open, looking up at August. "Good morning." He says, and I give him a sleepy smile.

"Morning." I shut my eyes and allow myself a moment more of basking in the warmth of his arms then slowly extract myself from him to stretch. "We need to grab the monsters for inspection."

We both get out of bed and get dressed. I throw on a pair of sweats and one of his shirts, I'll change into something better after inspection. A yawn escapes me as we walk across the hall to wake the littles.

August opens the door and motions for me to go in first. Upon entering the room, we're greeted by the sounds of soft breathing and sleepy murmuring. I walk to the little bed on the far end of the room while August walks to the smaller crib-like bed.

"Hey, baby, it's time to get up." I crouch next to the bed and stroke the hair from Stanton's face.

"I don't want to get up, Mommy." Stanton's cheeks puff in irritation and I laugh.

"I know, baby, but the drones will be here any minute. Besides you know what today is right?" I cock an eyebrow and his eyes widen.

He shoots up with his hands in the air. "We get to go see Auntie Millie and Uncle Tommy!"

I hear August chuckle behind me and I smile. "And new baby Wren." Stanton's jaw drops and his mouth forms an o. "Are you excited to meet your baby cousin, Phia?"

Sophia nods her head, the movement shaking her body while she's held in August's arms. "See, Sissie is excited."

Stanton pouts and crosses his little arms. "That's because Wren is a girl. There are too many girls in this family."

August and I both laugh as I take Stanton into my arms. "Oh come on, you like us." I tease, seeing his sour expression.

With kids in our arms, we walk out to the living room. I set Stanton down, between August and I, and hold his hand. With his free hand, he rubs his eyes while yawning. "Tin-tin?"

Stanton looks up at his sister and smiles, he loves his little sister. "Yes, Phia?"

"Daddy says that he'll play us a song if you stop being a grouch." Sophia's soft three-year-old voice squeaks over the word "grouch" and I snort with laughter.

I manage to compose myself before the drones fly through the hatch on the front door, separating to scan our wrists. I drop Stanton's hand to hold out my wrist, August shifts Sophia in his hands and holds his arm out as well.

"Adaline Jewel Wilson, twenty-second, performer."

"August Harvey Wilson, twenty-second, performer."

The drones move and I watch as they scan the kids' wrists. "Stanton Axel Wilson, ninth, unspecified."

"Sophia Garnet Wilson, fifth, unspecified."

The drones turn and leave, seeming satisfied with the inspection. "Mommy?" I look over at Sophia and cup her cheek.

"What, Sweetie?"

"Will you sing with Daddy?" I glance at August and he shrugs.

"Maybe later, we need to get ready and eat breakfast, okay?"

She gives me a large smile and nods. "Okay!" Sophia wiggles until August lets her down and she runs over to her brother, taking his hand and pulling him toward the hallway. "Come on, we need to go get ready!"

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