My Life As A Freak Chapter 10...

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  • Dedicated to Hannah Dudding

Haha ha aha i'm so evil :3

but wow double digits..


okay anyway here you go


*Azelia's POV*

The kiss was sweet.

Very, very sweet.

Zach's hold and me tightened slightly, and I reached my arms around his neck.

Why was I doing this?

Because you like it, dummy.

Just as I was coming up a retort to my 'other' self, Zach deepend the kiss. Shutting off all my chances of thinking.

Zach nipped at my bottom lip, as if asking entrance to my mouth and I gave in.

The kiss ws getting hotter.

I felt as if I was going to explode.

No matter how much I deneyed it to myself, I was still in love with him.


I remember when I used to acciedentally brush hands with him.

My hand felt weird for the rest of the day.

Then I started to do it on a daily basis.

Not to quote Twilight but it was like a drug, like a rush of adrenaline.

I became addicted to it.

Slowly coming back to reality, I realised that me and Zach had somehow transferred onto a couch, and we were roughly groping each other.

Zach had managed to have taken off his shirt and my hands were thoroughly exploring his chest.

 It was like my body had a mind of it's own!

Oh wait...

My self only has one mind, so out of mind, body and soul, I must be thinking out of my soul.

I think these fumes were getting to me.

Wait a seccond.

It seems my mind had completely forgotten where I was.

At the same time I realised this, I gained back the normal, sensible part of my brain.

I managaed to roughly push Zach off me.

He layed there, on the ground dazed. Like everything wasn't in focus.

I sat up on the couch so quickly I had head rush.

"Zach!" I called, anger pulsing through my veins.

Though I was more angry at myself than him.

"Huh?" Zach replied.

I stood up and towered over his dazed form on the floor.

"Uh... Um..." I said back, he stood up too causing my body to brush against his and out faces just inches apart. Not that he seemed to mind.

"What is it Azelia?" He said seductively, his blond hair flopping down accross his forehead and his eyes twinkling. Zach seemed to be inching closer because the space between us was closing.

He lifted his hand and stroked my arm, causing shivers to run down my spine.

Zach's eyes were looking darker than usual, his pupil were heavily dialated.

I couldn't help but wonder whether it was cause by the drugs or... something else.

His hand was slowly carrassing my skin. "What do you need Azelia?" he whispered.

His hot breath warmed my skin even more and I shivered, my knees threatening to give out underneath me.

"Um... Mr. Colley needs to see you in his room..." I stammered, nervously.

His hand dropped from my arm, and a flash of emotions ran across his face too fast for me to read.

He stood back from me so quickly that a nearly stumbled from the loss of his body.

"OK, Azelia. I will be there in a moment." He turned away from me and busied himself with something.

I wanted to argue, to tell him to come now, but something told me otherwise.

So instead I just walked as quickly as I could out of the room.

When I was walking across the darkend oval, the wet weather had came back, the memories of my and Zach kissing still fresh in my mind.

All I could seem to think about were his hands and lips.

How his lips were so gentle on mine.

As if they were delicate.

But with myself thinking about kissing, it came to mind that it was the first time I had ever been kissed like that.

And that thought led to; well how can you judge? That was the first time you had ever been kissed.

So then, at the edge of the oval, I had realised that that kiss now meant alot more to me.

It was really no surprise.

I loved him before.

But now something has changed.

I don't know what, but something has changed.

Before, I loved him so much I hated him.

But now it didn't seem so much like hate.

What I did not realised, was that the wall around my heart was, slowly but surely, crumbling.


This was written from 10:12pm to 11:38pm.

You may thank me.



FrEaKy_Me <3

i love you guys

and fan if it's too much to ask


(the song is Superluv by Shane Dawson, an epic youtube person, check him out!)

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