My Life As A Freak...

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Um this is gonna b my 1st story so bare with me.

<3 FrEaKy Me!!

Please tell me if I should continue it even if you don't I will anyway!

BTW i wont bother 4 votes but please comment!




My Life As a Freak

Chapter 1...


Over the time i was at boarding school I had lost most of my tubby-ness andwent down to 40kg's. I had sholder-length dirty blonde hair with a green streak. I was tall and slim and since I had just finished going to my boarding school in Italy I have aquired a Italian accent. But I'm going to my Aussie primary school's High School as a exchange student. But I have also changed my name I am no longer Julia Turke, but now Azelia Coryn.

As I pulled up in my silver skyline to St Chevalier High school I wasnervous about seeing my old friends. I wondered if they would recognise me. I sure did look a hell of a lot different. I wondered if they would all be the same. Lana the the hard core nerd. Milla and Isabelle, the ones balancing out the universe for us. And then Sandra and Cleo the ones who kept us in line, Homework studing and going out. Then the boys Blaize, Kaea (Pronounced Kie-ah), Zach, Leon, Freddy and Kurtis. The trio of boys that were funny were Kaea, Blaize and Kurtis they were stupid idiots and so were the others. When I was younger I had a crush on Kaea and Zach. I told my friends about my crush and they went mental.

I entered the school yard and it was teeming with seniors. I instantly noticedd some old faces. Over by the statues smoking, was Kaea, Blaize, Leon and some boys that I did not recognise. I looked more and I saw Evaline and her crew. Wow, theywere sluts! Next I saw Penny my BFF since year 1 and also Lana helping her study. Lana didn't look like she had changed but she did look skinnier. Near them racing on the hallway/porch, was Mila, Isabelle, Sandra or Sushi and Cleo. They looked like they were playing TV. Milla had been in for 5 turns now and no one could beat her. Milla was 5.9ft and had an athletic body. She was South African and was very athletic. Isabelle was Filipino and maybe alittle shorter than Milla. She looked just as athletic as her. Sandra had short, goldish hair and blue-ish brown eyes. She was about 5.4ft and had small curves but she was also skinny. Cleo was short and had bigger curves than Sandra but still skinny. Penny had long, blonde hair with a purple streak in it. She was as tall as Cleo and still had her babyface. Last was Lana she had short, wavy brown hair and dishwater brown eyes. She was as tall as Isabelle, slim and small curved.

I went over to Lana and Penny and sat down. They looked at me questioningly.

Lana was the first to speak.

"Who are you?"

"Why Lana, you don't remember me?" I had my accent on thicker.

"Uh, no I don't."

"You too, Penny." I jested.

This time Penny spoke.

"Only one person called me Penny. That was Julia but youur not her. Are you a friend?"

These people were hopeless.

"My name is Azelia Coryn. I was just transferred from and Italian boarding school and why? I was transferred BACK here because of my ultimate freakiness. I have changed my name as well. It used to be Julia Turke. And I know you both."

They both stared at me.

I rolled my eyes into the back of my head and mimedfangs in my neck.

Then Lana and Penny did soomthing very expected.

They laughed.


check this out

Azelia Coryn looks like Amanda Bynes

Look her up!

an alien space ship has just landed in... OOO look a wood chuck!!!!!

any way wat was i saying oh yeah pineapple does not go with dog food DANNY!


sorry abouyt her she does not get mees becau my english not very good but luckily for me she does not know i am alien so she has gone out side to be martha stewart... he goodbyez!

from Danny o)

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