mY lIFE aS a fREAK...

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  • Dedicated to Maria Imagen- For pushing me till the edge!

Heyyy I'm back and here 2 stay!

I do not know why i said that but ...




We were catching up when the rest of our group came over.

"Lana who's this?" asked Isabelle.

Lana scoffed.

"You don't remember her?"

"...Uh should we?" Milla answered for her.

"Of course you guys should remember me I was all your best friends in year 6 and then I went to that boarding school and then I got transferred back here because of my bizarre freaky-ness." I stated proudly, because if I knew me I would know that I am naturally freaky. And I know me.

"I-is that you Julia?" Asked Cleo.

"Yes you got me purple handed!" I said, Cleo and my friends bursted out laughing.

Milla called out something I couldn't quuite catch. Suddenly we were in a very squishy group hug.

Once we had finished hugging i was being bombarded with questions. I answered them all truthfully. No, yes, yes, yes, maybe, dunno etc.etc.

"Guys, do we still have most of year 6 still here?"

"Most of them, Miki, Grace, Gorgina, Tami, Joeseph, Jenny, Charlotte and Mari have left. Thats pretty much it." stated Sandra.

"Pretty much all the boys are still here. New ones are Josh, Luke and Bobby. But only 2 new girls. Cali and Bonnie. They're the sluts of the school. Leader. Is. Evline. Or as we call her Eviline." said Cleo.

At that moment the boys decided to but in on our reunion.

"Hey geeks hats a smoking hot girl doing with you?" asked Kurtis ith an eyebrow raised and a smirk on his face.

I answered them.

"Surley not what you think, Kurt. But I ouldn't ever want to kno what you're thinking. Eugh!" I shuddered at the thought of what was going on in his brain. Not much probably.

His friends were chuckling at his bad attmpt to hide his blush.

"H-h-how  do you know my name?"

"Well, well lookie here Kurtis has gotten softer over the years. Parting words boys: I will always be watching you..." I said eerily and then we walked away with their eyes burning holes into our backs.

As soon as they were out of sight I burst out laughing.

And my friends just stared.


Is this short? If it is I'm gonna do a extra long chapter nxt time cause im doin this 2 SKOOL VOTE AN COMMENT!!!

 Lana Clarke looks like Emma Roberts!

Look her up!

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