Training Prince oOIntroductionOo

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Jae parks her car and quickly walks out of the vehicle, making sure to fish out her keys and open the door. She's never heard Hopper so panicked before about her getting a new pet. Jae could feel her nervous start to highten, Hopper didn't even panic when Amadeus was shooting bullets at her. So, what was so bad about this pet? 

She opens the door and peaks inside her house, everything seemed norml. Jae's eyes then widen as she sees a steel box, almost idetentical to Severus', in the middle of the living. The problem is, the steel box was opened along with all the chains and locks. Did someone open it while she was out? ! 

Jae runs forward to box, but once she got close she feels a slight cut on her cheek. Jae flinches, and starts to feel blood coming from the cut. She raises her hand to her cheek and rubs the wound, she then looks at it and sees the red liquid. Her eyes widen again, how did this happen? Jae walks forward again, only to yelp as more cuts hit her body, now on her arms and face. She backs up, only to feel it now tear her clothes a bit. She freezes in her spot, what's going on? 


Jae then lets out another scream as she feels wires wrap around her body and make her drop to the floor. She flinches and looks down and tries to move her arms, the strings were transparent. Jae then hears a low chuckling, she looks up to see a man at her staircase smoking a cigarette. His hair was brunette and had a look like he just woke up from bed. His skin was tanned and had all sorts of small scars all over his body, especially on his face. One scar even came across his blue eyes, she's surprised it isn't damaged. His body was in between Amadeus and Severus, big built but not as much as Amadeus. From the uniform he was wearing she could tell he is Prince.

Prince walks down from the stairs and stops in front of Jae, he takes another drag from his cancer stick before smirking down at her.

"Highly disappointing. Here I thought I would get a challenge, instead that damned company sends me to a woman's home." He kneels down in front of her looking Jae up and down. "Che, so you really 'tamed' Amadeus and Severus." At this he lets out a bombing laugh through her house. "Those two must have really weakened."

Jae continues to glare at the male, it hasn't even been an hour and he's pissing her off.

"I'm your owner, let me go Prince-."

Hearing his name Prince's eyes twitch and his mouth lets out a snarl. He lifts his foot and presses it down on Jae's head, making the girl yelp at the sudden pain. An annoyed smirk comes on his face as he stares down at the woman.

"Don't you dare call me by that dreaded name." He then scoffs. "Prince, how dare they give me such a degrading pet name." He presses more weight onto Jae's head making the girl continue to flinch. "You'll call me King, that damn company didn't want to call me that because they thought it would offend Amadeus. They think all because he is bigger built and attacks before thinking that he's the best. Well, let me tell you this, I'm the true King. I'm the best of everyone from that place. Since I am highly superior, I expect a plebeian like you to serve me like the royalty I am. After all, I am the only pure blooded-. Hey! Don't fall asleep on me!"

Jae wakes up as his foot presses on her head again. She glares again at him. She grumbles to herself, Amadeus was right, he doesn't know when to shut his mouth. Seriously, did he really expect her listen to him rant on how great he was? !

Prince purses his lips, almost pouting, annoyed at how Jae wasn't cowering at his feet. Must be because she already delt with Amadeus and Severus. He then leans down to her level again and smirks in front of her face, amused that she was still giving him that look.

"Listen here, I'm not like those other idiots. Unlike them I think, and I wont fall to your feet. In this relationship you're not the master." Her eyes widen as she hears a click and looks down to her neck to find Prince's collar on her. When did he get that? ! Looking up she sees a wider smirk on his face. "I'm your master."

She is definetly not bringing him to the shop.


That was fun to write! 

I would like to hear your guys thoughts on Prince :D

Again, he's probably one of my most interesting characters.

On another note, since school is going to start again updates will be slow. Especially since in English my project is that I have to re-write the ending to the Victorian novel I'm reading. Which also leads me to ask you guys if you want me to post the ending I write for English, the ending to the book I'm writing is 'Mansfield Park'.

Thanks so much for your reviews! I didn't know so many people liked this story! Keep it coming!

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