Training Fido oODisciplineOo

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 Jae sits on a chair in the kitchen. She is still hungry even after almost emptying out her whole fridge. The smell of making Fido's own food isn't helping either. Jae stands up from the chair and walks over to her cell phone. She dials Hopper's number and waits as the phone connects. Jae frowns as she hears his voice mail come on. He usually always answers within the first ring, it's weird for him not to answer his phone.

Jae feels something poke her back, she turns around to see Fido behind her holding up his notepad.


She raises an eyebrow and looks to the pan to see it's boiling over. Jae lets out a curse and rushes over to the food and puts the heat down. Jae presses her temples, feeling herself start to get pushed over the limit. Fido walks over to Jae and leans back on the kitchen counter and looks at her face. He quickly writes down on the notepad.

It's not good to stress, Owner. You'll get wrinkles faster.

Jae tries to force on a smile.

“Thanks for your concern.”

I should get something for being so nice. Strip.

Jae re-reads that one last word. She looks back at Fido's dead eyes, then back at the word, then back again. This repeated for a while before Jae took the piece of paper and rips it up. She then glares at Fido and flicks his nose, earning an actual glare this time from him. She first stares at him for a second, shocked that she was able to pull out an emotion from him. Jae shakes her head and returns the glare.

“You shouldn't say-, well. Write something like that.” Jae turns around and goes to continue making the food. “Fido, it's a little nice having you here since you're not as crazy as the others. But you really gotta stop thinking everything will-.”

Jae yelps as she feels Fido come behind her and wrap his arms around her waist. She feels him rest his head on her back and let out a sigh. Another frown comes on her face, but at the same time her cheeks flush a little.


Jae hears a ringing in the background, making her stop and look around herself. Her eyes narrow as she scans the room, she could of sworn she just heard her phone ring. Jae pulls Fido away from her and searches around her home for her cell. She finally finds it on a counter top in the living room, but her eyes furrow as she sees there was not a missed call. No, that definitely was not in her head. Now that she thinks about it, no one has called her since she took Fido in. Not even a call from Willow.

“Something is definitely wrong.” She mumbles under her breath.

Jae feels a tap on her shoulder and turns around to see Fido.

Something wrong? Are you getting so old your hearing is going bad now?

She resists the urge to slap him across the head.

Jae scowls and puts her phone in her pocket. There is no question, she has to stop by the pet store and make sure everything is going alright. She walks to find Fido's collar and turns back to him.

“We're going to walk to my store, alright.”

What if I don't want to.

“You don't have a choice. You're going.”

I don't want to.

Her hand falters a bit with his collar.

You should be worried about me, not the store.

That is true. She was never this worried about her store when taking care of the other pets. Jae is getting paid to do this, she shouldn't get distracted by outside problems. Willow has Park, she will be fine by herself. It has been only two or three days.

Beast To PrinceOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora