Training Fido oOIntroduction Discipline Bathing Exercise- Wait What?!Oo

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"Wait, but isn't that human trafficking?"

"No, they are pets. That's why he came in with a leash."

"I thought the manager just had a weird fetish . . ."

"That's what I thought too at first, but he is a pet."

"But he looked human!"

Jae's eyebrow twitched as she heard from behind her the gossiping.

"I know right? To be honest, I think she is sleeping with them. I know I would."

The pen in her hands snap as she turns around to Willow and Park.

"Get back to work! We have a lot of customers today!"

Jae turns back around and takes in a slow breath, trying to calm herself down. She tries her best to smile at the couple that have their Pomeranian with them.

"Sorry about that, so what is the problem?"

It seems the company has given Jae a few weeks of break. To be honest, she was glad. Since summer break has come a lot of people are adopting pets. She always tries to advise people to buy pets during the summer, so if they have children they can spend as much time with the animal. Right now it was busy, since they just got some more puppies and birds.

"We were just wondering if you could train this dog, we just have no other choices." The woman says while she lifts up the dog. The little thing was a tea cup and had many accessories on it. Booties on each paw, a jacket, jeweled collar, and even sunglasses.

Jae reaches forward to pet the dog, but it immediately lets out a growl and tries to snap at her fingers. She frowns a bit and turns back to the two.

"Alright, I think I know the problem."


Willow lets out a groan and messages her own shoulders.

"I hate working in the summer!"

Jae looks up at her and raises an eyebrow. "Why aren't you cleaning up?"

"Don't worry! I got the little snot doing it for me!" She says with a laugh.

Jae shakes her head and continues to count the profit they got today. Just as she was done counting the money, her cell goes off. She looks down to the caller ID and lets out a sigh before picking it up.


"Hey, um, have you read the guide for Fido yet?"

Jae blinks at his voice. Usually every time Hopper called his voice would be chipper and have a high tone to it, but today it was serious. She felt very uncomfortable with this new character.

"Sorry, not yet. Things have been busy at my store."

"Jae, you need to read that guide when you get home!"

"Alright, alright! I will." She gets a little ticked off at his sudden anger.

Hopper sighs from the other side of the line.

"Fido's different from the others, you need to be prepared even before his box gets to your home."

Jae takes a pause before speaking up. "Since it's this serious I'll make sure to read it."

He lets out a breath of relief. "That's good, he is coming tomorrow so be prepared! Good luck~!"

The line ends, and Jae gets in a little better mood hearing Hopper's old tone back again. Jae collects the money and puts it in an envolope. She turns to the two after getting all her stuff together.

"I need to get home and will take the next few weeks off."

"The last pet came in?" She asks while looking herself in a mirror.

"Yeah." Jae turns to Willow and gives her a glare, making the girl tense up. "And you better work, don't leave everything to your cousin."


Jae gets home from walking. She drops her bag onto the kitchen counter and lays her head onto the table. She was tired, day after day of work. Sure, they have Park to help out, but because he is there Willow has been slacking off. Jae needs to note to herself to hire a few more employees after all of this is done. It would have been better though if she got one before all of this training happened, then she wouldn't have to worry about the store as much.

Jae gets up from her seat and goes upstairs to get ready for bed. She washes her face and gets in her pajamas before jumping onto her bed. Jae sighs in happiness, every single pet that came in would always take her room because it was the most cozy. Having able to sleep in her soft pillows again made every day a blessing. Her eyes begin to get heavy as she gets comfortable in bed. Hopper told her to read the guide. Jae yawns and rolls around to get more comfortable. She can read it tomorrow, after all she rarely reads the guides before she got the other three and was alright.

With that she fell asleep.


The sound of the door ringing wakes Jae up in the morning. Her eyes immediately snap open at the sound. She gets up from her bed and looks at her clock.

It was 1 o'clock in the afternoon!

Jae slaps her forehead in frustration. Since she was off work she turned her alarm off. She didn't even read the guide Hopper wanted her to read!

The sound of the doorbell ringing gets her attention again, Jae frantically gets her robe and tidies up her appearance while yelling she will be down. Running down the stairs she gets to the door and opens it. From the other side was the mail man.

"You got a package Ma'am."

Jae tries to get her breath again and takes the pen and paper he has in his hands.

"Thanks, so where is it."

"Right here."

Jae blinks and looks down. He had a box carrier, and with it a cardboard box with some holes on the side. The man walks into her living room and settles down the box, a little too roughly which caused the sound of a grunt to come from it. He then walks back to her door and tips his cap before closing the door.

"Have a nice day."

The door closes and Jae is still standing in the room. This was it? This is what Hopper was panicking so much about? This was it? ! Was there a mistake? Or maybe Hopper was joking with her? No, the last times he tried to prank call her he wasn't able to stop his giggling from the other side. She walks up carefully from the box and inspects it. There was no chains like the other ones, and no noises coming from inside.

Did it possibly die? !

-Wait, of course not she heard it grunt when he set the box down too hard.

Jae gulps and walks up to the box. For some reason the silence made her nerves on edge. She removes the tape from the box with shaking hands. Jae tries to slow the beat of her heart before opening the top. She flinches back and closes her eyes. She waits but nothing happens. Jae blinks again and looks back at the box. The sight she found was something very abnormal.

Inside was a boy, probably fifteen. He had silky blond hair and ivory skin, what was really different was his eyes. One was colored blue while the other was a bright green. No, wait, that wasn't the strange thing about this teen. What really made Jae's eyebrow raise-,

-Was that he had a dog suit on.

Not a huge one, but one that was small and showed his face. It also had floppy ears on the top and Jae couldn't help but to think it was adorable.

Staring at the kid, Jae almost forgot how much time has passed. She jumps up and pats down her clothes before looking at the boy.

"Um, are you Fido?"

The blond kid stares at her. That's one thing that wasn't adorable about the boy. It was his stare, it was practically lifeless and looked like a kid trying to zone out his teacher during class. Finally, Fido shakes his head yes.

Jae scratches her head, not really knowing what to do in this situation. Since usually the other pets would be strangling her by now.

"Um, do you want to get out of the box?"

He does the same thing as before. Stare at her with his lifeless eyes before climbing out of the box. He then stands in front of her, staring at her again. With him in front of her, she could see he was shorter than her only coming up to her shoulders. His stare was now starting to tick her off. Jae fidgets a bit, trying to find out what to say.

"Y-You want to eat something? I could make anything, um, what do you want?"

He still stares at her!

What is his problem is he mute or something? !

Fido looks around the room, he then looks back to Jae and points to his throat. Jae blinks, not knowing at first what he means. Soon it all clicks in her head, Jae's face blushes red.

"O-Oh, so you're actually mute."

She rushes to the kitchen in slight embarrassment and grabs a notepad and pen. Jae goes back to Fido and hands him the paper and pen, he looks down at it for a while before writing something down. He looks back up at her and shows the paper.


"You're welcome, so, is there anything you want to eat?"

He writes some more down.


Well, this is a little too weird. Is he really from the dangerous type group? Jae goes and starts to make whatever she has in the kitchen, her mind was still racing. Something was very wrong. She should have read the guide, maybe than she would understand Fido's nature better than now. Once the food was done she calls Fido and he obediently comes into the kitchen and sits on the table. Jae stops to look at him with a slight frown.

She can't take him seriously with that dog suit. It was cute, but now it was getting a little weird.

Jae puts the plate of chicken and green peas on table in front of him. Fido gazes at the food for a few seconds before digging in. Her eyebrow twitches at the habit, hopefully that will change. There was silence between the two. Curiosity got the better of her as she stared at his costume.

"Fido, why do you have a dog suit on?"

He looks up at her with some food in his mouth, Fido takes his notepad and writes down something and shows it to her.

Fake-Prince makes me wear it


It then clicked in her head that Fido was talking about Prince. Her face scrunches up a bit. He is still alive? Knowing Prince the sadist would have cut up Fido piece by piece if he ever knew Fido called him that.

"Well, you can take it off. Prince isn't here right now."

Dammit! He needs to stop staring at her!
Fido gets up from the table and starts to unzip the suit. He takes it off to reveal that he was wearing the same uniform Prince, Severus, and Amadeus wore. Fido sits back down and continues eating. Jae scratches her head, trying to find more conversation.

"Um, so you know the other three from dangerous type?"

No one can forget those idiots

She understood why they called him a brat now. "Do you talk like that to them too?"

He writes for a while this time, and it takes him a while before showing her the sentence.

Owner you talk too much. I can tell you don't have a boyfriend. It must suck to have a single life. Owner, maybe the only reason why you're training us is because you can't get a real man. Yeah, that's probably it.

Her face falls when she reads the end of that note. How could he write that and then show it to her while keeping that same dead look? ! He really is a brat! She really can't take this, not only is he not violent like the others but he doesn't know how to shut his mouth. Jae sits up from the table and tells Fido she is heading upstairs. He looks to where she is going and writes one more line down on the notepad.

Oh, she's mad.

Jae walks up to her room and searches around for Fido's guide. It's not like she is mad at him-, okay that's a lie. He's ticking her off. What's bothering her is that he hasn't taken any attempt to kill her yet. Isn't that what dangerous type is about? Jae fishes around and is finally able to find the guide. She opens the book, and her face falls.

It. Was. Completely. Blank.

There was only one sentence in the guide.

Good Luck.

She flips through the blank pages, thinking this is some joke. Could Hopper gave her a faulty book? Or, maybe the company just doesn't know what to do with him. Jae presses her temples, trying to figure out the situation. None of it makes sense.

She jumps as her cell phone goes off. Jae pulls out her phone and looks at the caller ID before answering.

"What is it, Willow?"

"J-Jae! It's really busy! Please come by!"

Her face goes to a frown. "It's only been a day, and the 'pet' just came in-."

"-Please! Just for today and we wont bother you ever again!"

Jae takes a pause to think. Well, Fido hasn't really shown any possibility he could be dangerous. All the boy has done so far is sit and eat, just like a good 'pet'.

A sigh passes her lips.

"Alright, I'll come over."


Jae comes to her store to see that the place was busy. Jae thinks it must be all the new pets they just got in. She pulls Fido's leash along, trying to ignore all the stares she was getting from her customers. That is another strange thing, Fido didn't mind putting the leash on. It would usually take a few days before they would trust her, and still the 'pets' would be fighting her not to have the collar.

Jae leads Fido to the back of the store and takes off his collar. He rubs his neck a little before looking around.

"Stay here, and don't cause any problems."

Whatever, single-animal lady

At least it's not scum.

The day went by with Jae being able to sell off most of the pets, along with yelling at Willow whenever the girl would slack off. She was now sweeping the floor where a kid dropped a load of stuffing for one of the rabbits cages. Even though it was able to go through like a breeze, she was still on edge because of Fido. Jae was just waiting for him to come out and jump her or another person. But, just like when he first came here, Fido would just stare with no emotion at everything. There is something wrong with that kid, and not just because he is a 'pet'.

"Aw~, he is so cute Jae!"

She looks to the side to see Willow cooing at how cute Fido was. Jae frowns at the girl.

"Willow! Come and help me clean. Fido, please stay in the back."

The girl immediately jumps away from the boy and runs over to Jae where she gets back to work.

"S-Sorry! He was just too cute! And-!"

Willow was getting too excited, flying her arms everywhere. In the process she tips over a blue, glass bowl that shatters on the floor. Both stare with wide eyes, Jae looks back at Willow and glares at the girl making her tense up.

"That's coming out of your paycheck."

"C-Can't you just take it out of Park's?"


Jae was laying in her bed at night, wondering about Fido. Even though she has been praying for a normal 'pet', now actually having one sets her off. The teenage boy just went to sleep when she told him too! Usually the 'pets' would bother her until she went to bed, or throw something at her if she gave them a command! He is probably the only one that hasn't taken her bed. Well, she shouldn't complain. It was a tiring day. Jae turns to the other side on her bed, only to meet with green and blue eyes. Jae screams and jumps up, quickly turning on the lamp to find Fido in his pajamas next to her bed side. She puts a hand to her chest trying to relax her breathing.

"F-Fido? Don't do that! You almost gave me a heart-attack!"

He had his notebook with him and wrote something down.

Isn't that normal for people your age?

Jae's eye twitches at the rude remark and how passive his face was. She turns her head to the other side and reaches over to turn off the lamp.

"Fido, go back to your bed it's-."

His hand shoots out to stop her, and on instinct Jae's eyes widen and she pulls her hand back in, almost slapping his own hand. Fido only blinks again, not showing any surprise. Jae was panting a bit, thinking he was going to attack her.

"S-Sorry, habit from living with the others."

Fido doesn't respond, he pulls up the notepad again and scribbles something down.

Can I sleep here.

She raises an eyebrow at the request. That is pretty random. Jae frowns a bit.

"Fido, I already said-."

He reaches out and grabs her arm again, making Jae jump. She looks down at Fido and he is still giving her those eyes. But this time, they look almost commanding, not so much different though. Wait, what is she thinking? They look the same! It's just because his head is tipped down a bit. Jae bits her lip and is able to break his gaze.

"Alright, I'll let you sleep here."


Jae is in the kitchen making Fido some lunch. Surprisingly she woke up this morning to find that Fido had gone downstairs to watch some television, and no wounds were on her.

Her cellphone goes off, this time when she checks it's thankfully Hopper and not Willow. She answers it with a bad mood.

"Hopper, is this a joke?"

"W-What?" He sounds a little surprised.

"You panicked about me not reading Fido's guide. But he ends up to be a fifteen year old that's mute!"

There was a pause between the line.

"Jae, don't let your guard down around him. Tell me, what's the date? And how's the weather?"

"It's June 25th and it's raining outside, why would you ask me something like that?"

"Jae, Fido can-."

The line immediately drops dead. Jae frowns and looks at her phone, only to see that she lost all her bars.

"Crappy AT&T." She mutters before shutting the phone. Jae goes to cooking her food again, feeling hungry looking at the meal.

But wait, he was trying to tell her something about Fido. Also not to let her guard down around him. Jae turns around to see Fido waiting in the doorway between the two rooms, leaning on the wall. She raises an eyebrow at him.

"What are you standing there for."

He takes out his notepad and writes.

How old is owner?

"Twenty-five, why?"

Ah, so old. You're ten years older.

"If all you came here to do was insult me then go back to the living room."

I want some new clothes.

She blinks at the command. New clothes? Did pets even care about what they wore?

"Fido, I can't change you out of that uniform. It's kind of like your collar. Shows you were from the company."

You can buy me some without telling them, they wont know.

She looks him up and down. Jae could guess a little why he wanted new clothes. While not at her home he would have to wear that dog suit if with the others. Also, Fido is a teen so he would probably care a little more about what he wore. Yeah, she could buy him some new clothes.

Jae takes off her apron and gets the keys out from a drawer.

"Alright, wait here. I will be right back."


While driving her car to the mall she thought over in her head what she would buy him. She didn't really watch what teenagers wore now a days, maybe she just should have called Willow? That girl would probably know better about things like this. She should also buy something to eat, she has been feeling hungry all day.

Just as she was getting to the intersection near the mall, a groan was pulled from her mouth as she saw cops blocking the road. She drove all the way out here to have it blocked? ! Jae frowns and drives around so she could get to one of the cops. The woman pulls down her window to talk with him.

"Excuse me! Sir, is there any another route I could use to get to the mall."

"Sorry, but everything is blocked for now."

"No, you don't understand. I have to buy some clothes for my-."

Her sentence stops as she realizes what she's doing. She is buying clothes for Fido, when he has plenty of other clothes that look like that uniform. Jae grips her car wheel and slams her head down on it. How stupid could she be? Why would she just agree with him and buy him clothes? ! This is against everything she has scolded owners for and that is not to spoil your pet!

"Ma'am! Please move your car!"

The cops voice snaps her out of her thoughts and Jae sits up.



Fido wasn't happy at first that he didn't get his clothes. But soon shrugged it off and went to watching television again. The rest of the day went by normally again. But Jae was still upset at herself. Is it because he is a teen that she let him do what he wants? The others were adults so maybe she felt obliged to treat them rougher.

It was now night and Jae was in her bed, this time though she hears Fido open the door and walk in. She tries to pretend though to be asleep, though with the hunger in her stomach she feels she wont be able to sleep.

While keeping her eyes tight shut, she feels Fido start to poke at her cheek. Damn, brat, he knows she's awake.

"What is it Fido."

She feels a light come on her face and squints before looking over. He used her phone to type in what he wanted to say.

I'm sleeping here again.

"Fido, no. You slept here last night you have to go back to your own bed."


She groans and rubs her face, feeling herself giving in.

"Fine! I don't care."

Fido puts her phone down before slipping in. He then begins to inch forward to her, close enough that his arm brushes against Jae's stomach making the woman hiss.

"Don't get too close."

Fido looks at her with his dead eyes. The teen leans back and takes her phone, typing a message again.


Jae looks at him up and down before turning to the other side.

"For some reason I've been feeling hungry all day, even though I ate four meals." She then waves her hand to him before laying it back down. "Just don't worry about it, I'm pretty sure it's because I've been stressed."

The 'pet' stares at her back. His eyes actually move up and down her form, seeing if she was fully asleep. He then turns around and also goes back-to-back before going to sleep.


Oh my gosh, I finished a chapter 0_0

Well, I found motivation and finished this! Only two more long chapters! Wish me luck . . .

And leave your thoughts on Fido, I want to know what you guys think :3

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