Training Prince oOSocializingOo

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            Jae feels her mouth twitch as Prince comes behind her and blows into her ear. The spoon in her hand almost falls out as she was making dinner. Sure, the first few days this shocked her and made her jump back in shock. But now it is just annoying. She was happy that he now listens to her commands, sort of, and finally expects his name. Though now Jae has to deal with him constantly purring words in her ear.

            Jae turns around and glares at Prince. She came face-to-face with his smirking face and green eyes.

            “I told you not to call me that.”

            “Master.” He then wraps his arms around the women. “Shouldn't you punish me then?”

            Her face flushes red, Jae quickly turns and pushes the 'pet' off of her. Jae than begins to stomp out of the kitchen and up the stairs to her room. Prince frowns at her behavior and calls after the woman.

            “What about dinner?”

            “Just put it in the microwave for two minutes before eating!”

            She slams her door after yelling to Prince. Jae presses her temples, trying to regain her composure. Is there any way for this to stop or at least settle down! ? She turns her head around and glances at the guide. Jae walks over and sits on her bed, also picking up the book. She flips through the pages with a frown on her face. There has to be some way to switch his way of behavior. The phone rings making Jae jump, she turns around and picks it up.


            “Jae!” Willow’s voice rings from the other side.

            She sighs, hoping nothing is wrong with her store. “Hey, is there something you need?”


            Jae groans from the other side of the line, she obviously wants something.

            “Willow, I seriously have no time. The pet I got this time is really-,” she paused trying to find the right words, “-unstable.”

            “Just bring him over! Listen, there’s this guy I know that would be great help at the store! He’s here right now, so please come over and check him out! I promise you will like him!”

            There was a pause, Jae was thinking over this. She did need more help at the store, having only one employee isn’t really the best thing for a pet store. Especially since she started training these ‘pets’, Jae’s barely at the store any more.

            “Alright, I’ll come over. Just don’t talk to the pet.”

            “Is he cute? Hey! Hey! If the ‘pets’ too much trouble let me babysit-!”

            Jae cut off the line before she could finish the sentence.


            Prince chuckles while playing with the collar and leash in his hand.

            “You should take me out for walks more, Mas-.”

            “Shut up.”

            Taking walks are one of the most important activities of raising a pet. Jae puts her head down in embarrassment as she feels everyone’s gaze on them. If only the ‘pet’ wasn’t the same species as her. When Jae took out the collar and leash, the look on Prince’s face made shivers go down her spine. Even now he won’t stop with the crude comments.

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