Training Prince oOHeatOo

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Jae groans in her bed and rubs her face in her pillow with a slight frown. Why is her bed so hot in the morning? There isn't even any sunlight coming into her room. Jae turns her head and looks behind her. In the bed with her was Prince, his face was happily pressed to her back and his arms were wrapped around her waist. Jae stares at him with half-lid eyes, the situation finally processes in her head and her whole body tenses up.

            “Get out!”

            Jae frantically pulls on his arms and tries to push the ‘pet’s’ weight off of her. What is he doing? ! He takes her room and then crawls into the bed’s she is sleeping in? !


            Jae turns over to yell at him in the face, but her sentence drops as well as her expression. Prince’s face was flushed red and he was panting heavily. His grip was also still on her in an iron grip. All warning signals went off in her head. She forgot that her period has ended. Which then goes to mean that right now.

            He is in heat!

            Jae wanted to hit herself so hard for forgetting for the third time!


            Her attention snaps back to Prince. He was still breathing in fast pants. Her eyes then widen as Prince cups her face and begins to bring it forward to his. She quickly reacts and pushes his face back with her hand.

            “Prince! Stop this right now!”

            He only groans in response. “Master, please release me.”

            Let’s just say, Jae was in pure disgust now.

            She quickly pulls away from him, finally getting out of his arms. Jae jumps off her bed, intent on escaping to the basement again like when Amadeus’ got in heat. But, while running to the door, she feels a sharp pain cross her cheek. The pains then spread around her body, small scratches. Her eyes travel down slowly, not wanting to believe the situation. Fear starts to gather in her again, as she sees the same clear string all around her like the first day she got Prince. Jae turns her head to the bed. Prince has a satisfied smile on his face.

            “Don’t hurt yourself any further, Master.”

            He then lifts his hand and pulls on a string that’s next to him. Jae feels pain go through her wrist again, as she now is getting pulled forward.

            “Prince, stop this! It’s just because-!”

            “I’m in heat, I know.”

            Jae stops her struggling for a bit. The smile on Prince’s face goes to a smirk. She narrows her eyes at him. Prince lets out a chuckle.

            “The woman at the company would all abuse this with every pet. Coming into our cages whenever they were done with their menstruation cycle, wanting us to ravage them.” His pulls then start bringing Jae forward again. “But, I am going to tell you this so you are prepared.” His voice goes to a low tone. “No one wanted to come to my cage after knowing my fetishes.”

            Jae yelps as she gets pulled onto Prince. He immediately puts his hand behind her neck and bites her neck. Jae yells as she feels her skin break, and she is pretty she is bleeding now. Prince groans and bites in another part of her skin, making Jae yell out again in pain.

            What is with these pets and biting?  !

            Jae looks back down in her hands, to still see one of them wrapped in the clear string. She bites her lip and takes action. Jae shuts her eyes shut and grips the back of Prince’s back with her nails. This time Prince’s eyes widen as he feels her nails sink into his back. The ‘pet’ lets out a moan in response. Jae takes a breath in relieved that her plan in working. She then uses her legs to flip Prince over so she is on top. His face turns to surprise but goes back to a smirk.

            “I think I will like this.”

            His hand begins to travel up her leg, but Jae slaps it away with a glare.

            “Don’t touch.”

            A frown comes on his face but he puts his hands down.

            Jae nervously gulps and looks down Prince. She first scraps her hand up his shirt, making the ‘pet’ shiver from below her. She keeps repeating this, while using her other hand to raise his above his head. Jae then starts to tie his hands using the string that was around her own. Prince was now practically moaning below her.

            “Jae, I l-lov-.”

            Finally, she was able to restraint his hands. Jae jumps off of Prince and runs to the door, this time watching for the clear string. She finally gets out of the room and slams the door behind her panting.

            From the other side, Prince had his eyes opened wide in disbelief. She just seduced him, and tricked him. Prince puts his head back and begins to chuckle then laugh.

            “She seduced, and left me here.”

            Jae flinches as she begins to hear Prince start to kick his leg and try to pull out of the string.          “JAE! You better come and help me of my problem now!”

            She sighs and rubs her face. That was too much, next time she is definitely not going to forget. But, she feels as if she missed something Prince was trying to say. He was moaning so much it was hard to tell out the words he was trying to say. Jae shrugs and stands up from her sitting position on the floor. She will let him go tomorrow when Prince has cooled down, hopefully he won’t be that angry.


            . . . . . LOL, let’s just say. I haven’t had any motivation to do my summer homework yet ><

            Well, also I want to get Prince over with so I can start working on Fido. Mostly since he will only have like three chapters, but they will be LONG.

            I can’t believe people are really into this story so much. That really got me to write this! Since tomorrow I am going to a graduation, I will probably not do my homework and get another chapter of Prince done with J

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