Chapter 1-The Quidditch World Cup

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"Come on, Draco, get up!"

The Malfoy heir groaned as he rose from his enormous bed in the middle of a room ubiquitously coated with green.

"Really? I mean, I've seen you move faster than that. You're a Seeker for crying out loud!"

"And you're annoying," Draco replied as he rubbed his eyes. "Merlin's beard, Blaise, what's all the fuss? It's a Saturday, isn't it?"

"Not just any Saturday, mate," Blaise said, getting up from the armchair he'd been sitting in for the past ten minutes and heading towards the black door with the gold nameplate that had "Draco Lucius Malfoy" in engraved letters. "Today is the day of the Quidditch World Cup!"

Draco sat up straight. "You're joking."

"Not nearly. Don't you remember?"

"Not nearly. I'm feeling a bit out of it right now."

"Coffee? Get dressed and come downstairs. I reckon if you hurry, you'll have enough time for a few sips before we leave."

"Is it really that late?" Draco asked, but Blaise had already gone. Draco showered and went to his closet. It was empty except for a suit (the kind Draco wears in the movie). Where were the rest of his clothes? He shrugged and just changed into the suit. He had to admit that it was pretty comfortable.

"Not bad, Malfoy," he said aloud as he glanced in the mirror and ran his hand through his hair.

He graced the steps with a light tread as he jogged down.

"What are you, a girl?" Blaise asked from the breakfast area, pouring himself a glass of pumpkin juice.

"No, I'm just clean," Draco retorted. "You, on the other hand, tsk, tsk, tsk. When was the last time you took a shower? I can smell you from here."

"Ha, ha. It may interest you to know that I took a shower last night and plan to take another one in the tent."

"No, it doesn't interest me at all."

"Sit down, boys," Narcissa said, rolling her eyes. She shoved a platter of pancakes in the middle of the two boys' empty plates. "Help yourself."

Lucius Malfoy strolled into the room, adjusting his robe. "We're to meet the Notts and the Puceys at the Portkey and when we arrive at our destination, we'll find the tent."

"Portkey?" Blaise said through a mouthful of pancakes.

"It's a bit like side-along Apparition, isn't it?" Draco recalled. "Only instead of holding onto another person, you hold onto an object."

"Exactly," Lucius replied, sitting down next to Draco.

"Aren't you clever, Drake?"

"I specifically remember asking you not to call me that, Blaisey," Draco answered, irritated.

"Ugh! That reminds me of when Pansy used to act like a pansy."

"Oh, how stressful those times were!"

"If I recall correctly," Narcissa said, "you were around ten then, hence, not the least bit stressed."

"Oh, but we were," Blaise said. "Pansy, Milicent, and the Greengrass sisters were always over here or at mine, screaming away about there pretty hair."

"Or lack thereof," Draco provided. The two boys burst into laughter.

"Is there something we should know about?" Lucius asked, his eyes carelessly skimming the Daily Prophet.

"Well," Blaise said, "we might have had something to do with their 'bald phase.'"

Narcissa raised her eyebrow.

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