Childhoods #5

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A.N.- Hello everyone! Another collection of random childhood moments. I just love imagining my characters as children. Especially Jude, because I like the idea of him always being an evil genius ;3 Anyways, this has Jace, Mitch, and Shane (Kill The Lights, Ethan (Friend Zoned/Changing Will), Dimitri Ivanov (Outside The Lines), Will and Sonnet Duvet (Friend Zoned/Changing Will), and Jude Tibbits (Friend Zoned/Changing Will). 


#1- Jace/Mitch/Shane

                “Where is he?” 7 year old Shane whispered to his best friend, Jace.

                Jace peeked over the couch. “I don’t know. He’s not in the living room. But your daddy is.”

                Shane went to peek over the couch, but Jace pushed him down and ducked. He placed a finger to his lips.

                “Mitch just came in the room,” he whispered.

                “Daddy, where’s Shane?” 5 year old Mitch asked his father.

                Jasper shrugged. “I don’t know Mitch. I thought him and Jace were with you. Why?”

                Mitch held up his Nerf gun. “We’re playing cops and robbers, daddy! I’m the cop and they’re the robbers!”

                “Well, don’t let those robbers get away! And be careful with those guns. Don’t aim at their faces, okay buddy?” Jasper said, ruffling Mitch’s hair before heading down to the basement.

                Mitch looked around for any sign of Jace or Shane. Jace peeked back over the couch and crouched back down before Mitch saw him.

                “Ready?” he whispered to Shane.

                “Ready,” Shane whispered back, gripping his Nerf gun.

                The two burst out from behind the couch. Mitch spun around in surprise and yelped, dropping his gun to shield himself as the older boys fired darts at him.

                They reloaded their guns quickly and moved closer to Mitch. Mitch tried to back up, abandoning his gun.

                Shane held his gun up a little too high and fired. Mitch howled in pain as the dart hit in the eye, and stumbled over backwards, trembling and slapping his hand over his eye.

                “Mitchell?!” his mother, Carol, cried in alarm, rushing into the room.

                She froze and surveyed the situation. She glared at Shane, who still had his gun pointed at his little brother.

                “Shane, you put that damn gun down!” Carol snapped, smacking it out of his hand and hurrying over to Mitch.

                “Mitch, honey, are you okay? Did it hit you in the eye?” she asked gently, pulling the little boy into her arms and carefully pulling his hand away. She inspected his alarmingly red eye and hugged him, stroking his hair.

                “Mommy, he shot me in the eye!” Mitch wailed, starting to cry.

                “I know,” she said, trying to calm him down. She stood up with the sobbing boy in her arms and glared at Shane and Jace.

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