xiv. sharp edges

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people forget that
can hurt.
words can leave
scars and traumas
that knives
could never even
dream of.

you built yourself up,
surrounded yourself
with walls,
but too many people
attacked at you and
broke through it,
leaving your edges
all jagged
and sharp.

it's okay,
you told yourself.
it's better this way.
it's safer this way.

your tongue
is all sharp
and all edges.
you break
too easily
too quickly.
you break vows
and promises
in an instant.
you ruin
like wildfire.

you are
walking misfortune,
with cursed hands
and a
sharp tongue.

and so,
you carry bodies
on your back,
broken hearts
on your shoulders,
broken vows
in your mouth,
and ruined relationships
in your hands.

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