xix. a fragile boy made out of glass

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i saw you —
through the crack of the bedroom door,
sitting with your knees close to your chest.

this was the first
and the last time
i heard you
speak to the heavens,

i'll be good,
i promise.
i won't speak,
i won't touch anything,
i won't do anything
i'm not supposed to do.

i'll just sit here.
i'll just sit here
and wait until i go.

everyone knows that
anything and anyone i touch
bleeds and die.

so, i promise,
i'll be good.
i swear.
i swear on my life.

i wanted to tell you
that you didn't have
to be
good and perfect ;
and i wished i did,
i couldn't bring myself
to open the door
and hug you
and prove to you
that you are human
and not a glass being.

maybe i was afraid
that you would break
if i touched you.

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