vii. three deaths, two corpses, one broken son

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what they never
tell you
is that when you
bury two
people in the
same coffin,
it's not
as romantic
as you think.

the two corpses
seem to be
holding onto
each other
for dear life,
having forgotten
to hold onto
life itself.

it almost seems
suffocating ;
it almost seems

and what they
don't tell you
is that
when you lower
the coffin
into the ground
and after you
throw a handful
of dirt on it,
you can still
feel their

you can still
feel their eyes
staring through
the lid of the coffin ;
i know you
felt this
because you kept
at the coffin,
looking exactly where
their eyes were.

and you threw
dirt over
their eyes.

Tears For YouOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz