Chapter One

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Bursts of energy coating the sky in a array of light, so bright that it seemed so white and pure to the touch... to the human eye, to my delicate eyes. The warmth coated my skin with goose bumps, or maybe it was my arrector pili muscles going out of control and making my tiny hairs spike up. The soft aura of light peeked from behind a thick pearly cloud and it was as if the landscape relaxed, the light cascaded it's waves of energy over the grass, making it brighter and healthier-looking. The shiny pole in the distance glistened, as well as the useless water fountains in the middle of the dirty rest area. A rest area with no seats, broken water fountains, chipped or missing tiles, and moldy trees providing little shade, a horrible sight that hurt's the human eyes, my delicate eyes. It makes me forget...


The hue of the world is fascinating when it's not so contaminated... contaminated with dumb people. Like those wanna-be Nicki Minajs or those dumb, idiotic, fake-ass stupid cunts that are walking sex-toys to all the guys at this dumb-ass, stupid fake-ass school. All those motherfuckers are...


Those stupid fuckers that think they're so good, while their failing and secretly wishing life was easy. Those bastards who wish they could have me deep down, only if I was prettier... thinner... sexie..


I almost jumped out of my chair as I quickly snapped my head to look at Mr. Lanson as he rose an eyebrow while holding a piece of chalk in his brown hand. I blinked a couple of times and nervously licked my slightly dry lips, I looked at him in confusion as he sat his white chalk down and crossed his arms.

"Yes?" I asked.

A snicker escaped from someone towards the far right of the room and everyone started to laugh at me as I lowered my eyes to my desk then back at Mr. Lanson. He started to open his mouth as the laughing continued while someone made a joke I didn't hear.

"Mr. Lanson." A monotone voice came over the speaker. "We need Honey Basset to report to the office... now, she's checking out."

My eyebrows immediately caved in confusion as I slowly, unsurely climbed to my feet and closed my notebook that had nothing written on it, not even an X, Y, or Z to solve an algebra matrices. I opened my OCD organized bookbag and pushed my notebook in and closed it back while picking up my binder and plastic rectangular, bright red pencil pouch. I slid my backpack on while glancing around the room to see everyone still staring at me. I lowered my head sheepishly as I pushed my chair in and started toward the door, I quickly paused.

"Do we have any homework?" I asked Mr. Lanson, he cocked me a very tiny side smile.

"Don't worry about it." He said, shooing me away while turning back to face the class.

I nodded before turning and walking up to the door, I pushed it open and closed it behind me as I glanced up and down the mostly dark hallway of the school, the walls were crumbling and the graffiti on the rows of unused lockers was devastating. I hated this school with a passion, I don't know if it was the dumb hoodrats or the idiotic people, a mostly black school that dealt with drugs, sex, and the police. All those things in one setting was too much for me, I constantly thought about ways this could affect my future, why was I stuck here anyway? I'm the smartest at this school and I deserved better than this, however, this was all that better was. The office's door came up in the view as I rounded a corner, I slowly crept to a stop as the door opened and Jackie stepped out, Jackie is my auntie and with her was my Mom. I stared on as I started to walk a little more while nervously looking up the halls, I didn't want anyone to see my family because we weren't perfect, not one bit.

From The HoodTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon