Chapter Seven

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"Have a good weekend." I'll try...

I glanced to the clock to see it ready a minute past our actually dismissal but I didn't mind as I grabbed my binder and stored it away in my organized backpack, I got to my feet and corrected my skirt before pulling my backpack onto my shoulders and heading to the door, being one of the last three to leave the classroom. I wasn't in a rush to get home becuase I knew Mama was probably waiting, either drunk or high, and I didn't have the patience to take care of her and Jaden at the same time. I crossed my arms under my breast and walked at a strolling pace, glancing around as many people wandered through the halls while waiting on friends and even siblings. I was estatic but also annoyed, I had just found out a Teacher-In-Service would be happening Monday so we would also have no school on that day but the reason I was upset was because i would have nothing to do the whole weekend but babysit. It wasn't a big problem but I had hoped to spend some time on my own and just relax after the busy days I've had, I was anxious to know who Mr. Common had partnered me up with but I had decided to leave that until Tuesday, the day we would return to school. I exited the school building and glanced around the front as I spotted many cars slowly cruising by in the hopes of not hitting a stray walking teenager as they rushed to their cars or toward the transit bus. I walked slowly, hearing the clicking of my heels against the concrete pavement of the high school's sidewalk while heading toward the transit bus myself. I glanced behind me as I noticed a black Hummer slowly cruising by, I stared and walked onward as it came to a slow rolling motion before stopping right beside me and the tinted passenger seat rolled down. Kasmin stared at me as I stared at him before I stopped walking and uncrossed my arms to stare at him directly, we continued to stare at each other as he waited for me to climb in the hummer and I waited for him to apologize.

"Get yo' ass in the car." He said so thuggishly, almost making me shiver but I pushed the feeling of desire away with the reminder of the stunt he pulled this morning, he had to apologize before I went anywhere near him.

"Apologize and I will." I proposed, making me curl his lip at me.

I knew that if he didn't care, he'd pull off and I was expecting him to but instead, he stared out the front window as cars went around his hummer, a few of them blew their horn and I immediately recognized them to belong to Darrion and Keshawn as they zoomed by at high speeds, causing my hair to flare around me. I waited patiently, wanting to hear a sincere apology as he continued to stare out the front window but I already knew he was debating on apologizing to me. I shrugged and started to walk again, he cruised his car beside me like last night until I stopped and looked at him with an expression of aggravation but I was actually liking his attention.

"...I...ry..." Cars roared by on the opposite side, going dangerous speeds and making it hard to hear what Kasmin was saying.

"What?" I asked loud enough for him to hear over the traffic.

"I said: I'm sorry, I shouldn't of don' that, now climb your ass in the truck! Damn!" He said with aggravation but I didn't mind because I had got my apology.

I walked to the door and pulled it open before tossing my backpack on the floor, which Kasmin grabbed and sat in the backseat behind the passenger chair, I climbed in and closed the door behind me as Kasmin looked me up and down before turning his attention back to the road before him and pulling away from the curb. I smiled as I stared at the passing apartments, I glanced over at Kasmin as he drove with one hand braced on the steering wheel and the other holding the gear shift, I sat with one of my chubby thighs crossed over the other and my hands nestled in between my stomach and thighs as I stared at the Hummer H2 for a better look. It was nice and cozy with a matte black interior, I leaned back into the cushion of the seat before glancing over at Kasmin once more as we pulled to as top light.

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