Chapter Three

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How was I going to show my face at school? How was I going to walk to school knowing that everyone probably saw this video of my Mom and her friend being a nasty whore? I glanced over at Jaden as he scratched his small Nike's together to make a screechy sound come from them, I smiled a little and tickled his belly before getting up from the bed and setting him down. It was exactly five o'clock and I didn't want to get up because I had stayed up all night with the video on my mind... with Kasmin on my mind.  I stretched as I looked at my closet and tried to see what I had clean from the distance, should I go looking cute or should I go looking the normal way? Today was going to be hard because I knew the video was seen by everyone, just to make it worse, right after the video, Darrion and the dreadhead went Live on Facebook, but Kasmin wasn't there so I didn't bother to even watch it. I walked up to my closet and filed through my hanging clothes until I found a strappy V-neck that accented but also flashed the roundness of my 40DDD, I tossed the shirt on the bed. It had a cold shoulder, which is when the shoulders were exposed only and the strappy V-neck is when there are straps similar to shoelaces cutting back and forth through the V-neck part itself. The shirt was cute and this was going to be my second time wearing it, I start to then fish for something that could go with it, I reached in my drawer and found a denim skirt as I heard a loud bang at the door. I quickly tossed the denim skirt with the shirt and hurried toward the living room to find Jaden, Mama was going to probably be high or drunk since she was drinking and rolling joints in the video.

I couldn't find him in the living room and quickly went to the kitchen to see him sitting in the middle of the floor with a car toy, I smiled as I walked over and lifted him in my arms as the front door opened, I reached down and grabbed his car toy before turning and walking back to my room. I closed the door behind me as I heard the front door open and someone groaning about a headache, Mama of course. I sat Jaden on the bed and looked for some shoes to wear. I was a big girl but there were days when I did wear cute clothes, but my clothes were a classy cute, not a tank top that showed that I wasn't wearing a bra and a pair of short-shorts with no panties. I had way more class than that, I dressed to impress myself, not anyone... other than Kasmin, I dressed to impress him too. I then stripped Jaden from his clothes and walked him to the bathroom, I cleaned him up real good and changed his training diaper before getting him dressed in a pair of clean black pants and a yellow polo shirt. I grabbed a thin jacket for him and a plain black beanie just incase it cooled off later in the day and Mrs. Willis wanted to take him outside or something. Mrs. Willis is our next door neighbor, she watches Jaden until I come get him, she doesn't even open the door when Mama come to retrieve him, and I don't blame her. I then checked the time to see it was just hitting five-thirty, school starts in about an hour and a half, leaving more than enough time for me to fix Jaden, Mama, and I something to eat. I quickly cleaned myself in the bathroom before changing into the outfit I picked out and checking it in the mirror, it was perfect together. I placed a pair of large-sized, thin jeweled-band hoops in my ears and applied a little mascara to my eyes as a final touch. I then grabbed a light cardigan and exited my room and to the kitchen, I peeked in the living room to see Mama sprawled out on the couch, sleep.

She was cleaned up, or at least her face was but her clothes were shriveled and her house-shoes were missing. I sighed as I opened the fridge and saw the mostly stacked fridge, which was good, I pulled out the carton of eggs and checked them to make sure they were still good. I set them on the counter while closing the fridge door, I then turned the stove on and grabbed a skillet from out of the oven drawer. I went back to the fridge and grabbed some butter to make sure the eggs don't stick, I grabbed a bowl as well and cracked three eggs in a bowl while using a fourth egg to crack into the now sizzling pan with a piece of melting butter. I allowed the fried egg to cook on one side before flipping it over and cooking it on the other side, while the second side cooked, I grabbed a plate to set it on. I grabbed the bowl that had Jaden and I's three eggs in it and used a fork to beat them really well, I sat the bowl down as I took the egg off the heat and put some more butter in the skillet. I took the fried egg and sat it farther back on the counter so Jaden couldn't take it. I then poured the beaten eggs into the pan and started to cook them as I grabbed Jaden and sat him at the kitchen island that was facing toward the broken TV. It was good to have while the TV worked but now it doesn't because Jaden poured Mama's apple juice on it while he was younger, I stirred the beat eggs before adding slices of cheese that I got out the fridge. I walked to the counter and grabbed the bread, I made sure it wasn't molded before setting one slice on each of our plates. I glanced at the eggs before staring them once more, I walked to the fridge and grabbed out a bottle of Apple Juice to pour us some, breakfast is an essential for Jaden and I.

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