Stress Relief (Sebastian X Ciel)

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Ciel sat at his desk, he looked at the paperwork before him. A sigh escapes his lips as he stared at the stack. There was a thief going around and breaking into houses and the Queen wanted him to take care of it. He was so focused on his work that he didn't hear Sebastian come in.

"Young Lord, I have brought you your tea." Sebastian hums, he had a small smile on his face. 

Ciel jumped when he heard his butler's voice. "Oh, Okay, pour a cup and bring it here" He commands.

Sebastian does as he is told, he pours Ciel a cup of tea and hands it to him. He could feel the stress rolling off of Ciel in waves when he got closer to the desk "Young Lord, I suggest you rest a bit, you seem to be under a bit of stress."

"You are in no position to tell me what to do." Ciel growled moodily.

Sebastian got closer to his face. "I'm simply giving you some advise, I suggest you follow it." Sebastian sounded calm yet there was a dangerous undertone in his voice.

"I don't have to  listen to you." Ciel replies, his accent seemed to thicken when his anger rose.

"Fine, I'll leave now, but remember my advice." Sebastian purred as he straightened up and walked towards the door.

Ciel watched him leave, his eye narrowed. Ciel sighed and looked back at the paperwork. "There is no description of the thief and no one has any information, great." He muttered.

He jumped again when he felt hands on his shoulders. "You should really relax." Sebastian hummed.

Ciel shook off his shock and looked up at Sebastian who was standing behind his chair. "When did you get back in here?" He asks. 

"A few seconds ago, Now, you need to relax." Sebastian replied

Ciel was about to say something but stopped when he felt Sebastian rub his shoulders. He hums as his butler rubbed the knots out of his shoulders. After a few minuets Sebastian stopped and Ciel looked up at him, scowling. "Did I say you could stop?" 

"My apologies, Young Lord." Sebastian smirks slightly and leaned down closer to Ciel's face.

Ciel felt his face heat up. Why was he feeling like this? He shouldn't feel like that, especially toward his butler. Sebastian noticed Ciel's blush and smirked more.  He leaned closer and closer,  he waited for Ciel's reaction. When Ciel didn't object toward the action he got closer until their lips brushed. 

Ciel's cheeks lit up brightly when Sebastian's lips touched his own. He didn't quite know how much he liked his butler until now. That being said, Ciel was disappointed when Sebastian pulled away before their lips fully touched.

"Well, I'll be off, My Lord, I have work to do around the manor." With that Sebastian swaggered across the room and left without another word.

He left Ciel sitting there, half shocked half pissed, he wasn't sure what to do with himself so he just went back to his paperwork.

"I'll get him back later." Ciel muttered after a few minuets of focusing on his work.



Requested by my friend, Jenni. Sorry it's crappy, I tried.

I hope you enjoyed at least a little bit...

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