Romance Isnt Dead (TAZ Amnesty)

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Note! This has spoilers for Amnesty finally!! Do not read if you haven't watched it yet!!

It had been weeks since the end of the world was thwarted and Duck was currently sitting in his apartment, his mind racing with thoughts. He was the Chosen One, the event he was chosen to solve was over… so what would he do now?
    He felt as if the world had no need for him anymore, and that made him feel worthless, but then, there came a knocking on his door.

“Wayne Newton!” A voice said loudly, her tone a cheerful one.

Duck knew who it was right away, so he got up and went to the door, he opened it and looked up at the buff, tattooed woman standing in front of him, “Minerva? I thought you left,” he said, confused by her presence. 

Minerva smiled widely “What are you doing sitting around, Wayne Newton? There are things that need done! There is a large forest that you humans call The Amazon, and it is on fire! I’m sure you would like to help replant this forest?” she asked.

Duck’s face twisted into a look of confusion, “Minerva, that doesn’t answer my question,” He said.

Minerva smiled a nervous smile and rubbed the back of her neck, “Well, Wayne Newton, I was going to go back to Miralaviniax Orbital Body 5, but… There is nothing for me there anymore…” She said, her large frame seemed to deflate a bit, “And if I go back, I would not be able to contact this world again, I would not be able to contact you anymore, Wayne Newton,” she said.

Duck frowns, “Ah shit, Minerva, I’m sorry,” He said.

Minerva shook her head, “No need for such words. Now, back to this Amazon,”

“Oh yeah, I did hear that it wasn’t in a good spot right now,” Duck replied.

Minerva nodded, “Yes, Ranger Juno Divine sent me to collect you, we are all going to help plant new trees!” She said, puffing up her chest proudly.

Duck’s eyes widened, “Wait, really?”

Minerva just nodded.

So they packed up what little they needed to bring on this long trip and took off towards Brazil, Minerva and Duck took separate planes and landed at separate times, but they managed to find each other again, and they hung on to it. When they were stationed in the forest, planting and cleaning up, they always ran into each other while on break. 
As the weeks went by, they kept trying to separate, but they always found each other back together, back as friends. So they stopped trying to distance themselves from the other, and they started working together. Soon, they had grown closer than ever before. 
Then, one muggy, Amazon night, Duck found himself unable to sleep. He climbed out of his bed and walked slowly to the porch of the house they were staying in and he looked up at the stars. They twinkled above him and he tried to only focus on them, not the war and pain that was flooding his head. Then, it hit him at once, a horrible feeling… 
He was useless….
The universe had done with him what it wanted and now he was nothing but trash to be thrown away, his deeds would never be known and his service would be for nothing. He felt a hot tear run down his face and he fought to keep the rest back, but it was no use and soon he was crying silently while trying to cope with his sudden understanding when suddenly, He felt arms wrap around him and he was pulled against a warm body.

“What are you crying, Wayne?” Minerva said in an unusually soft voice.

“O-oh, its nothing, Minerva…” Duck said, trying desperately to keep his voice from cracking and failing.

Minerva turned him slowly so he faced her. She wiped his cheeks and smiled at him, “You can tell me, you know,” she said.

Duck hugged her tightly “It’s just… Minerva what am I supposed to do now? I was… well, I was destiny’s plaything for my entire life and now that destiny is done with me, I have to purpose here…”

Minerva scoffed “Nonsense, Duck, Destiny may not require your help now, but Life isn’t done with you yet. You now have the chance to get in the driver's seat and steer your own life towards whatever you want. You are not useless or forgettable, you are Duck Wayne Newton. You are a seasoned warrior, the chosen one, and most importantly, a friend.” 

Duck couldn’t help but smile “Thank you, Minerva” He said softly.

In the soft light of the moon and stars, Duck and Minerva grew closer. Their lips touched and sparks flew, all of Ducks worries flew away and were replaced with the warm feeling of love.
    Or perhaps the love was always there, just drowned by the burden of responsibilities, but now, in this muggy, gross night, It was free. They embraced and silently agreed that they would never leave each others side, they would be there for support and strength.
    They would never be alone again, for they would always have each other….

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