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Amanda's POV...

"Wait. You can't see where I'm going. Okay?" He says as he pulls out a blindfold from his back pocket.

"Okay?" I say with a confused smirk.

I face him and he gently slides it on my head.

"Ok. Better not peek." He says as his hand lands softly on my thigh making me flinch slightly.


"Okay baby we are here. Do not take of your blind fold. I will help you out." He says.

Next thing I know he's helping me out if the car.

"Oh god. Grayson I'm clumsy I'll probably fall and like break my face or something." I say dramatically.

"Don't worry. You will love it." He says following a laugh.

I feel him pick me up bridal style and I can hear waves.

Just a quiet ocean is what I'm thinking.

I feel him slowly pull of my blindfold and what I see is a beautiful setting.

White sand. Clear water.

Empty beach.

"It took me long, but I found a part of this beach that is really quiet and people don't come to this part often." He says looking at me with a cute smile.

My mouth just stayed open.
This gesture is so sweet and I'm just shocked.

"Give me a second let me get the picnic basket." He says as he points a finger at me and runs over to his car.

I just knock off my converse and I just put my feet in the sand admiring the beauty.

Breezes of wind flew threw my hair as I sat down in the sand.

"Okay I'm back." Grayson says jogging up to me with the basket.

He sits down beside me and wraps his arm around me.

"Honestly I can't tell what's more beautiful.
You, or this view." He says looking into my eyes.

"Definitely you." He says as his lips smash into mine.

I crawl on type of him as our lips move in sync.

" who knew you would be such a romantic?" I say as I pull away looking at his eyes at they shine in the sunlight.

"4 only u." He says.

(See what I did there :,))

I crawl off of him and he opens the picnic basket.

"I got pizza okay? Couldn't resist. Don't worry it's still hot." He says as he hands me a slice and a soda with a small smirk.

"Yum." I practically moan because pizza is so good.

"Save that for later." He says giving me the dirtiest smirk on earth following laugh from both of us.

We both much on or pizza and just stare at the view.

"Amanda, I know we have our ups and downs but... I fell for you right when I saw you walk into the room. I know I'm such a flirt but I think I'm in love with you... will you be my girlfriend?" He says as he looks into my eyes and grabs my hand.

I felt like everything was in slow motion.

"Wow. I really didn't think you'd have the balls to. Yes baby. I would love to be yours only." I say and give him a quick smooch.

God I'm falling for this kid aren't I?

To be continued...

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