Chapter Six-Percy

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So, I bet no one saw that last ending coming. Since this seems to work for other authors, I'm going to start dedicating chapters to people who comment. Hope that's enough motivation for you!

Harry-Why can't it be my turn again?

Me-Harry, you got the last chapter.

Harry-but Ginny...

Me-You'll find her...




I looked between Carter and Chiron as Annabeth explained the situation. Chiron looked at Carter as though he were a land mine, ready to go off any second. And Carter just seemed confused and kind of mesmerised by his surroundings.

"You say you've met Carter before, Percy?" Chiron said.

"Yeah," I said, looking to my teacher, "Last year."

Chiron tried to stay calm, "Do you have any idea how dangerous this is?"

"Uh," I flashed back to that meeting a year ago. It had involved Carter and I trying to kill teacher other, a lot of swamp water, and a giant, subdivision-smashing crocodile, "Yeah, I got that covered."

"No," Chiron said, "If you truly understood, you would not have brought him here. This is even more dangerous than uniting the Greeks and Romans was," he looked up at the Athena Parthenos standing next to Thalia's pine tree.

"What do you mean?" Annabeth said, gripping her knife.

Chiron got up out of his wheelchair, (Carter's expression was priceless) and said, "I thought Hera was crazy when Jason got here, the Romans, as you know, should never have gotten along with the Greeks. But this...this is just asking for trouble."

I studied Carter. He didn't look offended, but looked as if Chiron had just confirmed what he'd already guessed.

I tried to stand up for him, "Do you remember that giant crocodile last year? I couldn't have beaten it without C-," I remembered that I wasn't supposed to say his name, "Him."

"We did make a good team, sir," Carter was still trying to take in the fact that Chiron was a centaur.

Chiron looked uneasy, "So, Carter. This dream...Kione spoke to you?"

"She wanted me on her team," Carter said.

There was a long pause as Chiron stroked his beard and studied Carter. Finally, he said, "Don't tell anyone other than The Seven about this. Carter, you are to act as if you are a demigod in training. If anyone knew about your true identity..."

He shook his head and walked into the cabin, leaving Mr. D staring at me like it was my fault his game was interrupted. Which it kind of was.

"Welcome to camp and everything, brats, but I have things I need to do. Go on and kill each other, or whatever it is you demigods do here."

I rolled my eyes, and grabbed Carter by the arm and led him toward the beach, Annabeth following close behind.

"Why aren't we going towards the climbing wall?" Carter asked.

"Because, we need to figure out more about what's going on," Annabeth said.

I looked at her, "Leo, Piper, and Jason should hear this too."

"Way ahead of you," she turned around, "I'll go find them."

I stood in the waves, feeling the water soak through my shoes, and the breeze sweep through my hair. Carter stood behind me, muttering to himself. I tried to comprehend what was going on here. Chiron compared Carter to the Romans. I flashed back to New Rome, Octavian screaming for war. Was I getting Camp Half-Blood into another mess like that? The Athena cabin had just been rebuilt, (courtesy of Annabeth) and I knew they would not be happy if it got destroyed again.

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